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Possible Spanish IRP Questions

Hey, I’m about to do my first Spanish a level mock using the IRP, my title is: ¿Cómo reflejaba la moda femenina en España durante y después de la dictadura franquista las actitudes sociales de la época?

What sort of questions do you think I will be asked based on my title?
What's your exam board? Your questions should be based on the topics/bullet points you give on the pro forma (the sheet you fill in for the real thing), so your teacher should ask before the exam begins for a list off you. For instance, I do Eduqas and mine was 'Historia de la comunidad galesa en la Patagonia' - my bullet points (which are in English; you get a copy of your bullet points by the way during the IRP as a memory aids!) were stuff like 'Origins/reasons for Welsh community in Patagonia', 'initial establishment of Y Wladfa (colony name)', 'decline of Welsh in Y Wladfa', 'modern relationship between Welsh and Spanish', 'modern Y Wladfan culture'. That said, they will ask in any order though, but your teacher might not!
Why did you choose this topic?
What was the most interesting/shocking/surprising thing you learnt in your research?

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