My name is David, I started a maths and philosophy undergrad course in September 2023 at King's College London and I have interrupted (postponed) my studies until September 2024 and I would like some advice on how to be well prepared for coming back to my studies.
Time management: How do you manage to do all the things that you need to do without sacrificing things like sleep?
I would love to hear what has worked for other people as I am really disorganised.
Revising and studying: For people that have managed to get into the habit of studying and passing exams, what advice would you give on how to study?
For Maths I found it really different from highschool, during lectures I wasn't sure what I should be copying down and trying to memorise and what bits were the lecturer giving us cool information about the content. I ended up copying only theorems and worked examples and trying my best to pay attention to what they were saying. However in general I'm not sure what good lecture notes look like?
Likewise, the tutorial sheets often felt completely unrelated to what we had gone over in lectures.
I never had time to pick up a textbook from the library to try and work through and now I think this could've been useful to have alongside the module notes and the lecture. I would love to hear what worked for people.
For the humanities side of my course (philosophy in this case), again I felt really lost as to what I should be paying attention to during lectures. We were given a primary reading for the week and then we'd discuss it, however to this day I still have no idea what I should be doing outside of the lectures and seminars to be able to produce a good essay on the topic... Again I would love some advice.
Kind Regards.