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It's not that neither I nor anyone else is listening but you have to appreciate on the outsets the circumstances, weeks before the end of your course (it can be measured in weeks) does seem to be a painful waste of time and energy to simply drop out now. I'm not artist but I can imagine the difficulties involved but as I said before and apologies if this sounds harsh, this is soemthing you surely would have known prior to the programme and already four years in. That's a like a medical student getting to the final term of the final year and suddenly saying "I don't want to do this anymore as I just realised I don't like working with people and don't like touching patients". This is not to belittle your circumstances but this is how the situation comes across. If you are literally right at the end and about to graduate, surely deciding what you want to do could wait a few more weeks.
And this is honestly a huge problem. Reading the rest of this post and the tone of the language used and what you describe it's very clear you have some deep mental health issues and physical health issues brought upon by your studies etc. If say you wanted to appeal the result or ask for extensions to deadlines or a resubmission, you would need to provide mitigation and this most of the time is provided by a GP or clinician with whom you have discussed your case. The reality if you don't want to actively seek help even when signposted for you, why do you expect the situation to change or people to help in any different way?