The Student Room Group

what laptop should i get?

hi, i’m a high school student looking for a laptop to use for A levels. i currently use my iphone + ipad, so a macbook would be the obvious choice to have the whole ‘apple ecosystem’ but advice from other students would be great. (as it is quite a large investment - £1k+)

if you have a laptop (macbook or not):
1. what brand/model is it?
2. is it worth the money and would u recommend it?
3. pros/cons?

thank u in advance!
Original post by bookw0rmm
hi, i’m a high school student looking for a laptop to use for A levels. i currently use my iphone + ipad, so a macbook would be the obvious choice to have the whole ‘apple ecosystem’ but advice from other students would be great. (as it is quite a large investment - £1k+)

if you have a laptop (macbook or not):
1. what brand/model is it?
2. is it worth the money and would u recommend it?
3. pros/cons?

thank u in advance!

Hey I got the surface pro when I did A levels. Think it has all the features you look for in a laptop but the touchscreen component + pen support feature was the best investment (despite the number of times I had to buy a new keyboard for it). I got the pro 7 (I don't think they manufacture it anymore) and I'd recommend you to buy it if doing notes by hand is your thing. I used Onenote a lot to make class notes and loved how convenient it was to just use a stylus to jot things down/make diagrams/annotate my teacher's pages. When it came to doing PPQs, I didn't print any and simply did them on my surface. Saves paper and idk I just liked doing it on my device. Pros: hybrid, long battery life (so long as you don't over charge), portable and flexible = awesome, lightweight. Cons: fragile so invest in a good cover/case, and buy extended warranty. Another con: I have always used the surface keyboard carefully but somehow have had to change it 3 times during sixth form so make that what you will.
Reply 2
Original post by Tulipbloom
Original post by bookw0rmm
hi, i’m a high school student looking for a laptop to use for A levels. i currently use my iphone + ipad, so a macbook would be the obvious choice to have the whole ‘apple ecosystem’ but advice from other students would be great. (as it is quite a large investment - £1k+)

if you have a laptop (macbook or not):
1. what brand/model is it?
2. is it worth the money and would u recommend it?
3. pros/cons?

thank u in advance!

Hey I got the surface pro when I did A levels. Think it has all the features you look for in a laptop but the touchscreen component + pen support feature was the best investment (despite the number of times I had to buy a new keyboard for it). I got the pro 7 (I don't think they manufacture it anymore) and I'd recommend you to buy it if doing notes by hand is your thing. I used Onenote a lot to make class notes and loved how convenient it was to just use a stylus to jot things down/make diagrams/annotate my teacher's pages. When it came to doing PPQs, I didn't print any and simply did them on my surface. Saves paper and idk I just liked doing it on my device. Pros: hybrid, long battery life (so long as you don't over charge), portable and flexible = awesome, lightweight. Cons: fragile so invest in a good cover/case, and buy extended warranty. Another con: I have always used the surface keyboard carefully but somehow have had to change it 3 times during sixth form so make that what you will.

thank you very much for your response, the laptop does sound very useful as it would save me from having to carry both my ipad AND a laptop with me. i’ll definitely do some research on it :biggrin: good luck with ur exams!
Original post by bookw0rmm
hi, i’m a high school student looking for a laptop to use for A levels. i currently use my iphone + ipad, so a macbook would be the obvious choice to have the whole ‘apple ecosystem’ but advice from other students would be great. (as it is quite a large investment - £1k+)

if you have a laptop (macbook or not):
1. what brand/model is it?
2. is it worth the money and would u recommend it?
3. pros/cons?

thank u in advance!

I've got a Macbook Air M1 512GB 8GB RAM, and it works perfectly as an everyday laptop and for studying as well. Hence, I bought this from a refurbished market (750GBP) but it still stayed strong. Everything runs seamlessly, and the battery life is outstanding as well. I've also got another Lenovo Windows laptop. Although it has a bigger size of 16 inches, it is less portable when it compared to the Macbook Air m1. And also it has a fan where dust can always clog into it. Lastly, since you have an Apple ecosystem, I do think that getting a MacBook will be a sensible choice since you will use Airdrop often.
Hope this helps!
Reply 4
Original post by tsskaka26
Original post by bookw0rmm
hi, i’m a high school student looking for a laptop to use for A levels. i currently use my iphone + ipad, so a macbook would be the obvious choice to have the whole ‘apple ecosystem’ but advice from other students would be great. (as it is quite a large investment - £1k+)

if you have a laptop (macbook or not):
1. what brand/model is it?
2. is it worth the money and would u recommend it?
3. pros/cons?

thank u in advance!

I've got a Macbook Air M1 512GB 8GB RAM, and it works perfectly as an everyday laptop and for studying as well. Hence, I bought this from a refurbished market (750GBP) but it still stayed strong. Everything runs seamlessly, and the battery life is outstanding as well. I've also got another Lenovo Windows laptop. Although it has a bigger size of 16 inches, it is less portable when it compared to the Macbook Air m1. And also it has a fan where dust can always clog into it. Lastly, since you have an Apple ecosystem, I do think that getting a MacBook will be a sensible choice since you will use Airdrop often.
Hope this helps!

wow thank you - it’s really relieving to hear first hand that the M1 is still working fine and worth the money. the airdropping and syncing would be a massive plus, so i’m leaning towards the macbook u have. would u say the extra storage is necessary? and are they any cons or signs of aging like lag/dodgy keyboard? also, sorry for all the Qs but do u remember what refurb site u bought it from?
This really depends on your use cases. If you use this for browsing, reading documents and slides, watching videos, 8GB ram would be more than enough. For the storage, 256GB would be also good as well. However, if you find yourself often build up a pile of documents or files in laptops, it would be better to get 512 since you'll get less fussy about it. I've got my Macbook in Ebay, there is another website which is would be risk free when compare to Ebay.
This is quite a beefy laptop as well, apart from studying, I use it for video editing and music productions and the processing power is sufficient.
Hope this helps!
Reply 6
Original post by tsskaka26
This really depends on your use cases. If you use this for browsing, reading documents and slides, watching videos, 8GB ram would be more than enough. For the storage, 256GB would be also good as well. However, if you find yourself often build up a pile of documents or files in laptops, it would be better to get 512 since you'll get less fussy about it. I've got my Macbook in Ebay, there is another website which is would be risk free when compare to Ebay.
This is quite a beefy laptop as well, apart from studying, I use it for video editing and music productions and the processing power is sufficient.
Hope this helps!

thank you very much, your advice has helped me a lot! have a great day :smile:

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