Hey I’m also having same problem atm with DSA. Needs assessor requested macbook for me as it’s the only operating system my dyspraxia works with (others I find complex and difficult and not compatible
With my other assistive technology) but DSA refused to award this despite or ALL proofs and the needs assessor recommendation. It’s seems that’s DSA are doing everything they can not only to delay the process (4 Months into my course no laptop and failing everything as nothing to work on) but they are also clearly trying to cut corners and save money anywhere they can in the Hope students don’t have enough willpower after the complex process to complain that their needs are not being met (which is a breach of disabilty rights due to their agreement with the GOV to provide this). Stand up for your rights. Appeal, complain and back it up documents from your uni about what you need for your course and also evidence to prove your disability and additional written info as to why you believe their decision is wrong. I’m in the process of this right now. It’s stressful, the assessment company studynet have not been very helpful and their assessment write up
Was poor, rushed and lacked certain details. Good luck!