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Help me choose a university for online masters!

Hi! I've received an unconditional offer from SOAS and Sussex (both online/part time) to the following masters program - I'd love to hear inputs based on personal experience or observed, around which one I choose opt for. Thank you!

SOAS - MSci International Development
Uni of Sussex - MSci Sustainable Development
Original post by idesofmarch91
Hi! I've received an unconditional offer from SOAS and Sussex (both online/part time) to the following masters program - I'd love to hear inputs based on personal experience or observed, around which one I choose opt for. Thank you!
SOAS - MSci International Development
Uni of Sussex - MSci Sustainable Development

It’s great that you’ve decided to study international development online and part time. As the Programme Director for the MSc in International Development I’m continually impressed by how our students manage their online studies alongside their other commitments. It’s one of the great strengths of the programme students join us from all over the world, bringing their personal and professional experiences to our online interactions. Some have been working in the development industry and are looking to deepen their understanding, others are looking for a career change and bring perspectives from other industries, while others are continuing study and have identified development as their interest. It’s the combination that works.

Every time I teach I learn something new from our students, which gets built into the modules for the next year. I see from your applications that you are interested in sustainable development, which is very well represented in the module choices available, including Climate Change and Development, Sustainable Development, Urban Sustainability, and Low Carbon Development (module availability is subject to change but these are established and long running modules). Like all our modules, they develop both a rigorous conceptual understanding of the topic and a practical engagement with social change.

Wherever you choose to study, I’m sure you will find it an enriching experience and I wish you all the best.

Dr Jon Phillips
Department of Development Studies
Original post by idesofmarch91
Hi! I've received an unconditional offer from SOAS and Sussex (both online/part time) to the following masters program - I'd love to hear inputs based on personal experience or observed, around which one I choose opt for. Thank you!
SOAS - MSci International Development
Uni of Sussex - MSci Sustainable Development

I hope you are doing well.

UEL offers many different Postgraduate courses.

Here is a link of the courses taught at UEL :

UEL holds Open Events for prospective students. This would be a great opportunity for you to speak to current students, Academics and also have a campus tour. It can be booked online using the following link:
Undergraduate Open Days | University of East London (

You can also speak to Student Ambassadors studying your course. They can be reached using the following website:
Chat to our students | University of East London (

For further information, please feel free to contact Applicant Engagement via telephone on 0208 223 3333.


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