The Student Room Group

Secondary MFL PGCE with a Linguistics Degree?

I am finishing up my undergraduate degree in Linguistics with a 1st.

I'll be starting a part-time Linguistics MA next academic year. As part of this, I have the opportunity to study German up to Level D. Since my course is only part-time, I was also thinking of getting my French up to A Level standard as well and getting some experience in schools.

After finishing my masters, do people think that I'm in a position where I'll be able to get onto a Secondary MFL PGCE? Most providers say they want 50% degree content or a "closely related degree". My undergrad involved modules on second language acquisition, multilingualism, German linguistics, etc. so seems fairly related. I can't seem to find anywhere online whether this combined with Advanced German and Intermediate French will give a decent chance of getting onto a Secondary MFL PGCE.

Has anyone here gone through a similar pathway? Or know of any MFL teachers with a linguistics background?

Thanks for
your help!
Original post by rottenbird
I am finishing up my undergraduate degree in Linguistics with a 1st.

I'll be starting a part-time Linguistics MA next academic year. As part of this, I have the opportunity to study German up to Level D. Since my course is only part-time, I was also thinking of getting my French up to A Level standard as well and getting some experience in schools.

After finishing my masters, do people think that I'm in a position where I'll be able to get onto a Secondary MFL PGCE? Most providers say they want 50% degree content or a "closely related degree". My undergrad involved modules on second language acquisition, multilingualism, German linguistics, etc. so seems fairly related. I can't seem to find anywhere online whether this combined with Advanced German and Intermediate French will give a decent chance of getting onto a Secondary MFL PGCE.

Has anyone here gone through a similar pathway? Or know of any MFL teachers with a linguistics background?

Thanks for
your help!
Hi rottenbird,

Many congratulations on your success with your undergraduate degree in Linguistics.

Please consider signing up with us at the Get Into Teaching Information Service: for free, one to one support from an adviser. All the advisers are experienced teachers and they can help you find a wide range of helpful information:

You have outlined some very exciting options ahead and an adviser would be delighted to discuss potential next steps with you.

Otherwise, if you would initially just like a little more information about the Get Into Teaching Information Service, please call us on 0800 389 2500 for a chat. We’d be very happy to help.

All the very best for the future.

Hi there,

I’m just starting my PGCE in Sept (not languages). What I will say, is that they are bending over backwards to support people going into teaching and the bursary for languages is enough to make people consider it now. There are subject enhancement (SKE) courses to get you up to speed (they pay £175/week to do these).Getting your A levels in the languages you want to teach is a must, I think, but on top of that, you can do an SKE.

If you fancy teaching, I’d say go for it!
Original post by rottenbird
I am finishing up my undergraduate degree in Linguistics with a 1st.
I'll be starting a part-time Linguistics MA next academic year. As part of this, I have the opportunity to study German up to Level D. Since my course is only part-time, I was also thinking of getting my French up to A Level standard as well and getting some experience in schools.
After finishing my masters, do people think that I'm in a position where I'll be able to get onto a Secondary MFL PGCE? Most providers say they want 50% degree content or a "closely related degree". My undergrad involved modules on second language acquisition, multilingualism, German linguistics, etc. so seems fairly related. I can't seem to find anywhere online whether this combined with Advanced German and Intermediate French will give a decent chance of getting onto a Secondary MFL PGCE.
Has anyone here gone through a similar pathway? Or know of any MFL teachers with a linguistics background?
Thanks for
your help!

Did you go to Newcastle by any chance? lol

I'm doing a PGCE right now and I minored in linguistics, and took Level D French as well as Level C Japanese and Intermediate Italian. It's quite annoying not knowing Spanish as a lot of schools want it nowadays, but I'd say as long as you can prove your proficiency you should be fine. One of my friends did a music degree but is fluent in French because one of her parents is French, and she was let on the PGCE course.

I'm aware my reply is 10 months late, but I hope you went for it! Teaching is a great job :smile:

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