The Student Room Group

gap year & clearing

would it be possible to apply for a course via clearing in august despite having an offer from another uni as a gap yr student?
(edited 11 months ago)
Original post by leOooO!
would it be possible to apply for a course via clearing in august despite having an offer from another uni as a gap yr student?

You can't formally apply for a place in Clearing whilst holding another offer. However you can call up a uni which has a course in Clearing to try and establish whether you would likely be successful, if you were to apply. To apply, you'd then have to decline the offer you already have. So it's a risk.
Reply 2
Original post by DataVenia
You can't formally apply for a place in Clearing whilst holding another offer. However you can call up a uni which has a course in Clearing to try and establish whether you would likely be successful, if you were to apply. To apply, you'd then have to decline the offer you already have. So it's a risk.
thank you for your help! :smile:
Just to add to the above - you can't decline/withdraw a deferred offer. You would need your deferred university to do that for you and then to put in a new application for 2024 entry in order to formally accept a Clearing offer. With offers being time based and in some cases first come first served in Clearing that's not a good idea.

Are the courses you're interested in applying to in Clearing accepting applications at the moment? If so it might be worth contacting your deferred university and asking if they'll reinstate your offer if you reapply in the 2024 cycle. Then you can ask them to withdraw your deferred place now and submit a new UCAS application now to that university again as well as the places you're interested in. And if you don't get an offer as a late application then you can re-accept your deferred uni offer but have the option to use clearing as a 2024 cycle applicant in the summer.

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