TSR Decisions Drop In 2024During this period, many university applicants have received or will be receiving your final offers from the institutions you applied to. If you haven't yet, don't worry. For the majority of applicants, universities have until
16th May to get their decisions back to you.*
This leaves the tricky decisions or which universities to firm, insure and decline. A lot of people aren't sure when making this step, and

is here to help.
Our UCAS-trained advisors support applicants in their decision making and have a wealth of experience and knowledge to offer for free. Look out for the users with the red "Clearing and Applications Advisors" titles, as well as any Forum Helpers or Volunteer Team members too. The Student Room is the place to come for impartial advice about the future.
This year, for the first time, we will also be running
focused advice sessions in April. If you post in this thread during those specific times, you are guaranteed to get fast responses as our advisors will be logged in ready to support.
To sign up for those focused sessions please post below with "I'm in". 
Of course, you are welcome to ask questions here at other times too, and you can also create your own discussion
here in our UCAS applications forum to receive tailored advice to your particular situation.
*Depending on when you applied, later deadlines for each stage of the application process may apply. Check UCAS website or post in this thread if you are unsure.