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Which btecs are being scrapped next year? I wanted to do Btec Extended Diploma engineering level 3 or Btec Extended Diploma Construction and built environment level 3, I want to be a architect or Civil engineer anyone can help? Thank you
Original post by benino
Which btecs are being scrapped next year? I wanted to do Btec Extended Diploma engineering level 3 or Btec Extended Diploma Construction and built environment level 3, I want to be a architect or Civil engineer anyone can help? Thank you

Latest update is at following link.
However, I refer you to my reply to you three months ago as nothing has changed since then.
Reply 2
Original post by bamtutor
Latest update is at following link.
However, I refer you to my reply to you three months ago as nothing has changed since then.
I cannot see the link:frown: I think because I am on my phone but which course is getting scrapped next year? Will Btec Foundation Engineering Level 3 be? Thank you again
Original post by benino
I cannot see the link:frown: I think because I am on my phone but which course is getting scrapped next year? Will Btec Foundation Engineering Level 3 be? Thank you again
Foundation and Extended Diploma in engineering are both being de-funded. As I said previously, you may need to do T levels or BTEC Certificate plus A levels. You really need to check with your college to see what they are going to be offering. To be an architect, you really need to be looking at A levels in an Art or design field, and for Civil engineering A levels in Mathematics, Statistics and Physics.
Reply 4
Original post by bamtutor
Foundation and Extended Diploma in engineering are both being de-funded. As I said previously, you may need to do T levels or BTEC Certificate plus A levels. You really need to check with your college to see what they are going to be offering. To be an architect, you really need to be looking at A levels in an Art or design field, and for Civil engineering A levels in Mathematics, Statistics and Physics.
Thank you, I emailed the manager of the engineering courses and he told me that there will be BTEC Foundation Diploma in engineering in September 2024 and that he will speak to me to confirm it. How will that be possible? Is the college paying the course?
Original post by benino
Thank you, I emailed the manager of the engineering courses and he told me that there will be BTEC Foundation Diploma in engineering in September 2024 and that he will speak to me to confirm it. How will that be possible? Is the college paying the course?
Its not up to the College to pay for it. The issue is not finance, but courses that are covered by T levels. There has just ben an update released by Pearson which states that they have successfully appealed some courses and FD Engineering is one of those. This means that the college can run it for new learners in September 2024. However a FD is a one year course equivalent to 1.5 A levels (in UCAS points) so you will need to study something else alongside. Speak to the colege again to clarify what this could be.
Reply 6
Original post by benino
Which btecs are being scrapped next year? I wanted to do Btec Extended Diploma engineering level 3 or Btec Extended Diploma Construction and built environment level 3, I want to be a architect or Civil engineer anyone can help? Thank you
Practically all Btec level 3 in construction, building services and civils are being scrapped. Only a 90 credit Btec diploma worth 1.5 a levels is being funded and this is the last year. Most colleges do not run this.
All funding is now for the T level in surveying, planing & design. Most colleges have already converted to t levels.
It is a similar story for engineering

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