I get well with everyone and very well with supervisors. They say "are you happy here" etc. They said "it's unfair before if I travel fare". I've been working there for four years.
I lot of team leaders want me to work at their site and they know I'm a very hard worker.
At other sites, my train fare per week is only £35 per week.
At this site, where I had to cover for two days, two months ago and now kept me on, I'm paying £85 per week train fare because it is outside the boundary.
I only earn £1630 a month, I don't think £170 taken away should be taken lightly.
I'm not sure what to say the supervisor, I could say understandably the train fare is too high and if they could move me. What if they team leader at this site says "you let me down", he could easily get an agency worker.