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chemistry help

these past couple months I've been revising chemistry constantly and have made little improvement I just did my mocks I think I got around 55 on paper 1(ocr a chemistry) on paper 2 I flopped I aint don't paper 3 but I think my overall grade will be a C my aim is getting a B on the actual exam and I feel like I've made no improvement can anyone give me some tips on organic inorganic chemistry the only topic I would say I struggle on is electrochemical cells in organic chem I struggle on it as a whole
Reply 1
Original post by nebelious
these past couple months I've been revising chemistry constantly and have made little improvement I just did my mocks I think I got around 55 on paper 1(ocr a chemistry) on paper 2 I flopped I aint don't paper 3 but I think my overall grade will be a C my aim is getting a B on the actual exam and I feel like I've made no improvement can anyone give me some tips on organic inorganic chemistry the only topic I would say I struggle on is electrochemical cells in organic chem I struggle on it as a whole
hey! i'd say first identify where ur losing marks on your paper and then WHY ur losing those marks, is it an understanding issue or simply struggling to recall the information? if its ur understanding, id say first go thru ur textbook and read it through and really try to understand, then explain the concept out to urself, if you cant then watch a yt video where someone explains it for you or ask one of ur teachers to, then again, try to explain the concept out urself. To recall, unfortunately ur js gonna have to bang out exam questions or use flashcards (i personally hate flashcards but if it works, it works). Allery chemistry has a video on electrochemical cells, i'd watch that and see if u learn anything new! Lmk how it goes, hope u see the progress u want. Btw u in y12 or y13?
Reply 2
im in year 13 I do think in my final exams I can improve my paper 1 marks I will go through my appsr 1 paper mock when I get it back and see what I did bad thats but for paper 2 im so bad at it its so confusing
Reply 3
Original post by nebelious
im in year 13 I do think in my final exams I can improve my paper 1 marks I will go through my appsr 1 paper mock when I get it back and see what I did bad thats but for paper 2 im so bad at it its so confusing
same im in y13 too but i do aqa chem, lmk if theres anything specific and maybe we can try work on it together
Original post by nebelious
im in year 13 I do think in my final exams I can improve my paper 1 marks I will go through my appsr 1 paper mock when I get it back and see what I did bad thats but for paper 2 im so bad at it its so confusing
For real paper 2 is soooo bad
Reply 5
Original post by aamina.hs
same im in y13 too but i do aqa chem, lmk if theres anything specific and maybe we can try work on it together
ok thank you
Reply 6
Original post by aamina.hs
same im in y13 too but i do aqa chem, lmk if theres anything specific and maybe we can try work on it together
I do aqa chem too, ngl struggling on it quite a bit
Original post by mo_235
I do aqa chem too, ngl struggling on it quite a bit
Guys can we do weekly chem study sessions since we all do aqa
Reply 8
Original post by Iluvshawarmak
Guys can we do weekly chem study sessions since we all do aqa
that sounds fun! how would that work tho sorry im new to this lol
Original post by aamina.hs
that sounds fun! how would that work tho sorry im new to this lol
Reply 10
Original post by Iluvshawarmak

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