I’m in a very confusing situation, I hope someone else will understad or have simillar experience because I don’t know what to do or what to think about this situation.
So, I met this guy 3 years ago. He had been asking to meet me for 3 years before but I didn’t want to because I was travelling a lot, but finally in 2021 I agreed to meet. When we met I was instantly drawn to him. Since that day I couldn’t stop thinking about him but I was distant. Month later we met again and I stayed at his place, he admitted he was also thinking about me a lot. We talked for hours about many things and it was such a pleasure to have this kind of strong chemistry and attraction. For 3-4 month we used to see each other, not often but regularly, he made me feel that I was very important but he told me that he had just broken up with his girlfriend of 5 years exactly when we met. She found out about me and was stalking me on social media and one day she went crazy and wanted them to get back together. That didn’t happen but soon I had to go abroad and I had to stay there for 8month.I couldn’t forget him and wanted to have a chance with him again. He contacted me and asked me when I was returning only once. It appeared to me that he got back with his ex. When I came back he insisted that we meet. We met but one day his ex saw us together and things changed dramatically after this. He started ghosting me, he ghosted me maybe 3 or more times.
Maybe someone will ask me why I let him to ghost me 3 times but It was such a confusing situation, In the beginning I thought that maybe I did something that offended him and I reached out and asked 2 times if everything was ok. He used to not reply or reply just 3 words “it has been so busy and crazy”. After 1 year, when everything seemed to cool off, I contacted him and said we should meet, he seemed very excited and quick to agree. When I saw him he seemed happy to see me, we agreed we should continue seeing each other because we were both happy we did but then again he dissapeared and ghosted me.
I guess he is with his gf. Weird thing is that, sometimes I manage to keep him off of my mind but he come back and I still feel this strong connection with him. I don’t know why he avoids me like this, because he likes me? Am I crazy to think he maybe had some feelings and that’s why he is behaving like this?
Because It doesn’t make sense to behave like this, some of my friends say he’s narcissist but I’m not into putting labels on people easily. Maybe he is at some level but this doesn’t help me to not feel or think about him. Thing is that I can’t deny what I feel. I feel he was into me and then he ghosts me 10 times and I’m confused because If I was into someone I would behave differently.
What are your thoughts about this, how should I move forward and what can be the best move in this current situation.
Thank you for reading and taking time I appreciate it very very much.