The Student Room Group

Which Uni to reserve for MMath.

Offers received for MMath at:
Warwick 3 x A* or 2 xA* AA (A* req in Maths & Further Maths
Edinburgh (2nd year entry) 2x A* A (with A* req in Maths and A in Further)
Bath A*AB reduced offer due to TMUA score (A* req in Maths and A in Further)
Durham A*A* A (with A* in Maths and Further)
Bristol A*AA (with A* in Maths and A in Further)

Warwick is looking like definitely firm but we are really struggling with insurance choice.
Mock results were A*A*AA (with A* in Maths &Further then A in Biology & Chemistry) she was very close to A* in Biology.
Does she risk putting Edinburgh with the grades bring so close to Warwick or does she reserve Bath (when accommodation for reserve students is a complete lottery). Durham doesn’t seem to be as highly regarded for Maths in comparison. We are a bit stumped. Offer holder days are booked so hoping to get a stronger feeling for one of them, but any advice on the stronger course would be fantastic thank you!
Realistically Bristol is probably the best option there for maths after Warwick (generally probably the next best after Cambridge/Oxford/Imperial/Warwick) and seems a reasonable option in terms of the grade requirements.
Reply 2
Bristol or Bath - depending on what size Uni campus you would feel more comfortable with.
Bath also has the advantage of being a STEM-focussed Uni.
If accommodation is a concern then you didn’t pick your choices particularly well. Bath, Bristol Durham and Edinburgh all have serious student accommodation shortages (meaning high prices, low quality housing and long commutes are all likely beyond yr 2 and possibly in yr 1 for insurance entrants)
Reply 4
My daughter didn’t want to apply to Oxbridge and London is not an option for us so we looked at the rest of the top Maths Unis and after many open day visits these were the top 5. Warwick is absolutely top, Bath she loved but some first years don’t get allocated anything. Edinburgh and Durham do guarantee accommodation but it could be shared. I think she has discounted Bristol now for a few reasons.
(edited 10 months ago)

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