The Student Room Group

University Accomodation

Hi all, I am going to be starting a medicine degree in September (hopefully, I have received an offer from BSMS and waiting on others). I have decided to commute for UCL and BSMS if I go to one of these, and live in halls for Lancaster and Keele. I understand that commuting 1 hour and bit each way to UCL and BSMS can be difficult, especially early on and as a medic, not even thinking about the train delays or strikes that could happen. If I wanted to move into halls during my first year, would that be possible? It's only really first year and second year I am worrying about, as I will probably try and move in with friends for 3rd, 4th and 5th year (6th year aswell for UCL) as placements begin.
Reply 1
Hi, I'm also planning to commute to BSMS (from London, planning to be able to drive by then to make it easier). It's definitely not uncommon, a friend of mine commuted for first year (nursing at Uni of Brighton) because she had a few reasons why she couldn't move out. She did get accommodation for second year. You could always call and ask admissions about moving to hall midyear, because I know priority is given to first year students.
(edited 9 months ago)

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