The Student Room Group

10 weeks going from C to A* - Alevel

I am a Biology, Chemistry and Maths student
I have been predicted A C C respectively.
I know I can do so much better if I put the work in
After seeing another student on TSR making this diary
I have decided to make my own and to record my journey.
This thread may be used as motivation.
Thank you for being on this journey with me
Reply 1
you can do it !!!! woop woop
Reply 2
Total hours: 4 hours and 28 minutes
Nucleophilic Substitution/Elimination
—>Textbook questions and exam questions done as well as revising mechanisms. (Use of KOH in making Alkene and Alcohol)
Flashcards: Mixture of topics

(Approx 2 hours)

Binomial Expansion.
Reviewed the lesson (did not complete this —> need to do exam questions on 25/03/2024

(Approx. 1 hour)

Revised T8. —> specifically brain scans and MRI scans

(Approx 1 hour)
(edited 10 months ago)
Reply 3
good luck!!!! wishing you all the best :smile:)
Reply 4
Total hours: 2 hours and 18 minutes
Chemistry: T14 Redox and Titrations—>Exam questions done as well as revising mechanisms. (Approx. 1 hour)
Flashcards: Mixture of topics(Approx. 15 minutes)
Maths: T10 Iteration —> Exam questions and textbook questions. (Approx 30 Minutes)
Unable to complete Binomial —> need to do exam questions on 26/03/2024
Biology: T3 Flashcards. (Approx. 30 minutes)
Reply 5
Total hours: 2 hours and 45 minutes
Chemistry: T18 Amines, Amides, Amino Acids and Protein (Approx. 30 minutes)
Maths: Logarithm and Exponentials —> Exam questions and textbook questions. (Approx 2 hours)
Unable to complete Binomial —> need to do exam questions on 27/03/2024
Biology: T8 Flashcards (Approx. 15 minutes)
Reply 6
Original post by r_kkk
I am a Biology, Chemistry and Maths student
I have been predicted A C C respectively.
I know I can do so much better if I put the work in
After seeing another student on TSR making this diary
I have decided to make my own and to record my journey.
This thread may be used as motivation.
Thank you for being on this journey with me

Ahh i'm do the same subjects and have the same grades and goals as you!! I'll be following ur journeyy, good luck!! <3
Reply 7
27/03/2024. (2 hour and 45
Maths: Finished Logs and did binomial (1:30)
Chemistry: Redox Titrations (1:15)
Biology: Unfortunately none
Reply 8
Total hours: 3 hours
Chemistry: T14 and T3 (Approx. 1 hour 30 minutes minutes)
Maths: Numerical Methods —> Examquestions and textbook questions. (Approx 1 hour and 15) on 27/03/2024
Biology: T4 Flashcards (Approx. 15 minutes)
(edited 10 months ago)
Reply 9
Total hours:
First day of holiday so I printed worksheets and notes
and filed all loose sheets from January.
Original post by r_kkk
Total hours:
First day of holiday so I printed worksheets and notes
and filed all loose sheets from January.

JANUARY?! That sounds like a long time ago already 😭 welldone for doing it all!
Reply 11
Original post by AspiringSurvivor
JANUARY?! That sounds like a long time ago already 😭 welldone for doing it all!

Thank you 😭😭🫶🏽
It was actually so difficult
Reply 12
Total Hours (Approx 7 hours)
Chemistry: T6, T17,T18 Did all Mechanisms (Aromatic and Aliphatic) and memorised them. Learnt and revised all reagents, conditions and uses. (approx. 6 hours)
Maths: Statistics T1 (Approx. 1 hour)
Original post by r_kkk
Total Hours (Approx 7 hours)
Chemistry: T6, T17,T18 Did all Mechanisms (Aromatic and Aliphatic) and memorised them. Learnt and revised all reagents, conditions and uses. (approx. 6 hours)
Maths: Statistics T1 (Approx. 1 hour)

7 hours 🤯!! you are a beast omds - gl with your studies you've got this 💪💪
Original post by r_kkk
Total Hours (Approx 7 hours)
Chemistry: T6, T17,T18 Did all Mechanisms (Aromatic and Aliphatic) and memorised them. Learnt and revised all reagents, conditions and uses. (approx. 6 hours)
Maths: Statistics T1 (Approx. 1 hour)

Wohoo welldone! How did u revsie the pathways?
Reply 15
Original post by AspiringSurvivor
Wohoo welldone! How did u revsie the pathways?

I revised it using a web and used arrows to interlink all the mechanisms to eachother
Then wrote the mechanisms on a notebook and then did it on a white board without looking
Reply 16
Unfortunately I completely forgot to update the thread.
So I'll do everything the past 2 weeks:
Total hours: 20 hours (Approx.)
Topic 11, 6, 2 (Approx 8 hours) --> Flashcards and mindmaps

Integration, Modulus, Connected particles on incline (Approx 6 Hours) --> Past papers and worksheets

Revised T3, 4, 8, 7. —> Made Flash cards (Approx 6 hour)
Reply 17
Total Hours (Approx. 4 hours)
Chemistry: T11 (Approx. 1 hours)
Maths: Past Paper (Approx. 1 hour)
Biology: T6 (Approx. 2 hours)
(edited 9 months ago)
Reply 18
Total Hours (Approx 3 hours)
Chemistry: T16 Did a mindmap (Approx 1 hour and 30)
Maths: Vectors (Approx. 1 hour)
Biology: Recall T6 (Approx. 30 minutes)

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