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Uni Finals

When do you think is a good time to start revising the content for uni finals? My exam are mid-end of May. I only have two exams

Should I start revising now? I've completed all the content, it's just about getting it ingrained in my brain lol. And how many hours of revision a day would you recommend.
Hi there 👋 Do you have other assignments you still need to work towards or is it just your finals remaining? If you just have your exams left, I would start revising now! By beginning your revision early, you can ease your way into it without having to cram all of the content at the last minute. I would recommend starting off small and perhaps writing down the topics that you think you may need to develop your knowledge on. Once these are listed, you may then choose to create a revision plan, and dedicate a certain amount of time to each topic per week to advance your knowledge, whilst also reading over the topics that you are confident on, and taking time to do things that you enjoy.

It is never to early to start revising, the more time you spend revising... the more confident you will be when completing your exams!

Best of luck in your exams.

Reply 2
Original post by WrexhamUniReps
Hi there 👋 Do you have other assignments you still need to work towards or is it just your finals remaining? If you just have your exams left, I would start revising now! By beginning your revision early, you can ease your way into it without having to cram all of the content at the last minute. I would recommend starting off small and perhaps writing down the topics that you think you may need to develop your knowledge on. Once these are listed, you may then choose to create a revision plan, and dedicate a certain amount of time to each topic per week to advance your knowledge, whilst also reading over the topics that you are confident on, and taking time to do things that you enjoy.
It is never to early to start revising, the more time you spend revising... the more confident you will be when completing your exams!
Best of luck in your exams.

Thanks for your reply! I have an essay due end of April but it’s not too much, fairly short. If I start revising for may exams now, how many hours a day do you think I should put in?
Original post by Anonymous #1
Thanks for your reply! I have an essay due end of April but it’s not too much, fairly short. If I start revising for may exams now, how many hours a day do you think I should put in?

It’s difficult to say how many hours a day you should revise for - this depends entirely on your knowledge within the areas that your exam is based on, and how many topics are covered within the specific exam. For example, if one of your exams covers 5 topics that you’ve learnt about and you are only confident on 3 of them, you may choose to start off with half an hour to an hour on the topics that you aren’t as confident about (forming 1 to 2 hours if there was 2 topics you struggled with) and half an hour briefly looking over the stuff that you are confident in to keep them fresh in your mind. This would equate to 1:30 to 2:30 hours on one exam per day, and then you may wish to look at the other exam following a similar method the next day.

However, as I said, it’s hard to say without knowing exactly how many topics you will be covering in each exam and how confident you are in each of these topics.

I hope this makes sense and is at least a little helpful, though?


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