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Reply 1
well, as a guy i will say yes. but sex isnt on my mind all the time like most guys. life is more than just sex there are loads of other activities that can give you some sort of pleasure or thrill. eg. flying a plane, sky diving paintballing etc.

some guys masturbate to relieve tension but im sure most do it for the feeling rather. i doubt any guy has an emotional need for sex. i don't emotional stuff really aint guys thing. only rarely :smile:.

girls shouldnt be just for pleasure sake at all. i know most guys want a gf so that they can make out with her asap to fulfil their needs. i see a gf more of like a close friend that you share your life with. not just sex or sex at all at a young age, later on maybe.
Reply 2
Generally more than girls, yes, theres a good reason for that, its called testosterone, but that doesn't mean we don't need the emotional stuff as much as girls.
Reply 3
Generally more than girls, yes, theres a good reason for that, its called testosterone, but that doesn't mean we don't need the emotional stuff as much as girls.

emotional stuff, i dont get it. whats there to be emotional about? sex? are you referring to crying and stuff like that
Girls have hormones that make us cry - Guys have the ones that make us horny... :p:

Nah - seriously it is all down to hormones but, like the narb said, guys need emotional closeness just as much as girls do in relationships - I mean, I don't know any guys that have gone out with a girl JUST to fulfill their sexual needs!!
I definitely think about sex more than my boyfriend...I'm unfortunate enough to have an overwhelming sex drive at the same time as being really, really emotional... oh well, it makes life a bit more exciting :smile:
Reply 6
Yeah, in general men definitely have a bigger physical need for sex. At least, every guy I met has. I think it's cos with men, stuff builds up that needs to be released (and that is an actual need, it will come out somehow if they don't masturbate/have sex). Girls don't have the same thing at all. To orgasm, a girl has to be turned on and then gradually built up. To explain in a more mathematical way, the graph of sex for a bloke would be linear, whereas for a girl it would be a curve. Geek.

Reply 7
I'd have said on the whole there isn't a great difference between the sexes, but guys tend to be more open about it.
Reply 8
I'd have said on the whole there isn't a great difference between the sexes, but guys tend to be more open about it.

I'd agree with that too.

I watched an experiment on Richard and Judy one day which had a group of young women pressing a button every time they thought about sex- they were just as bad as the men.
Reply 9
wellp its just like us thinking about getting rich or what if I was bill gates for some reason... heheheh... sex vs money? in my life money would win in a big gap
It seems that all the guys I know will pretty much do whoever ends up in their bed. Girls seem to be a little pickier. (of course, nothing is ever absolute when discussing differences between the sexes)
Reply 11
Girls have hormones that make us cry - Guys have the ones that make us horny... :p:

Nah - seriously it is all down to hormones but, like the narb said, guys need emotional closeness just as much as girls do in relationships - I mean, I don't know any guys that have gone out with a girl JUST to fulfill their sexual needs!!

exactly, if you just want to fulfill your sexually, surely 1 nite stands are the way to go. :wink:
Reply 12
It seems that all the guys I know will pretty much do whoever ends up in their bed. Girls seem to be a little pickier. (of course, nothing is ever absolute when discussing differences between the sexes)

That argument kinda trips itself up, in that if girls were really "pickier" then they wouldn't let themselves become "whatever ends up in [a guys] bed". The two sides of the argument don't fit together. As a rule, "unpicky" guys end up with "unpicky" girls.
Reply 14
Girls can be as horny (at least) if not MORE horny than guys. You should see one in bed with the TMG :wink:

Girls are just quiet until they're in the act. And then...ahhhh
It's hard to say although I would say boys generally think about it more, girls just think of naughtier things to do :P
Reply 16
To explain in a more mathematical way, the graph of sex for a bloke would be linear, whereas for a girl it would be a curve. Geek.


LOL :rofl:

Nice job. :biggrin:
Reply 17
Girls can be as horny (at least) if not MORE horny than guys. You should see one in bed with the TMG :wink:

Girls are just quiet until they're in the act. And then...ahhhh

I knew it wouldn't be long before you came along to proclaim your godlike stud-ness. Go on, slip in another one about how big you think your cock is while no-one's looking!

But really, you need to get over yourself. You're not the only "big guy" around, and unfortunately it can have it's disadvantages too. (I'd have said this in a more relevant thread but some prudish moderator closed it)

Edit: and I just read your profile. You can't even write a few word "biography" without mentioning it, twice!
Reply 18
im tame most of the time but occassionally....
Reply 19
I think about sex quite a lot. It's fun, but if girls could read minds I would be slapped at least five times a day.