The Student Room Group

Finding the date of first use of laptop

I want to find out the date of when I first used my laptop, is there anyway I can find that out by doing summit on the laptop, maybe through command prompt or something else?

Its just that I want to know whether the waranty has ran out or not, because Ive lost the documents and I accidently broke the DVD rom drive :redface:

Love BlueAngel xxx
Reply 1
off the top of my head I can't really remember.

Surely you'd be able to remember roughly when you got it though?

edit- or is it insured? Know my laptop is covered on all risks so if I knacker it i'm good to go :smile:
I know it was during last summer, so its either August or September, and its nearly sept, so I dont know if Ive just missed it or Ive still more time.
Reply 3
Assuming it's XP?

Go into the run box, and type in cmd

In the box that comes up, type systeminfo

Read through the list and it should tell you when the OS was installed! :smile:
Assuming it's XP?

Go into the run box, and type in cmd

In the box that comes up, type systeminfo

Read through the list and it should tell you when the OS was installed! :smile:

Yes its XP. I did all that, however when I typed in systeminfo in the box thing, it said its not recognised :frown:
Reply 5
I see, are you running home or pro? It must be a pro only thing.
try msinfo32 :wink:
I see, are you running home or pro? It must be a pro only thing.


Bwgames - msinfo32 just opened the system info program, which has no dates :confused:
Reply 8
Navigate to C:\Windows\ then locate the file called explorer.exe. Right click > properties on this and it will tell you the 'created' and 'modified' date which was them XP was last installed.
created 3 march 2003
modified 4 may 2004

no, thats not it :frown: But thanks anyway piemaster.
D'oh, I forgot manufacturers use boot images and dont install it propperly. Did you install any software as soon as you got it which wont have been updated since? (Office possibly) You could try doing the same for that.

Longshot, but if its a Dell it will have a service tag on the bottom which you can put into the service & support website.
Reply 11
You could always call the manufacturer and give them your details, they could probably check their database for the record of the transatcion.
Reply 12
well there is nothing on the machine, software-wise, that will really be reliable enough to tell you when you first bought the machine... unless you can remember a program that you installed on that first day (or within the first week or so)...

otherwise, all manufacturers keep a record of when they sell the laptops to retailers, and all you need to check this record is your serial number. Be careful though, as some retailers offer 12month warranties from the date that the retailer bought it from them, and not the date you bought it from the retailer (in some cases, when stock turnover is low, this can be upto 2 months later!), so it might be best to contact the people you bought it from and see what they say!

Hope that helps!