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Advanced higher English or higher modern studies URGENT

just got told today that I am no longer allowed to study RMPS next year in 6th year. The options I can take instead are advanced higher English or higher modern studies
I enjoy English and I am predicted an A at higher
If I am taking modern studies it means id be crashing it cause I've never done it before!
Can someone please give me some help in what I should take as I need to know by tomorrow!
The other subjects I am taking is adv h art & music and crash higher history.
Just wondering what subject would be most useful
Thanks! 😊
Original post by Hannahlouise1006
PLEASE REPLY!!just got told today that I am no longer allowed to study RMPS next year in 6th year. The options I can take instead are advanced higher English or higher modern studiesI enjoy English and I am predicted an A at higherIf I am taking modern studies it means id be crashing it cause I've never done it before!Can someone please give me some help in what I should take as I need to know by tomorrow!The other subjects I am taking is adv h art & music and crash higher history.Just wondering what subject would be most usefulThanks! 😊

I crashed higher modern studies this year, but I can't give much information on English personally.

I think it all depends on what you are looking to do once you leave school. If you are going to apply to university in Scotland then advanced highers usually aren't required for first year entry. The workload for advanced highers is considerably more and considering that you're doing art and music then they will require a lot of time too. A lot of people in my year got to prelims and dropped advanced highers due to the workload and the fact that they got unconditionals.

I personally find modern studies really interesting and I'm predicted an A this year. The essay writing skills are very similar to higher history. The workload for me has been quite minimal and usually consists of writing essays or completing source questions. It's useful if you keep up to date with current affairs as you can use your own research in your essays. The topics are interesting (depending on what your school do) and we're doing democracy, social issues and terrorism.

However, if you enjoy English more then perhaps consider taking it, because if you enjoy a subject then doing the work isn't as bad haha.
(edited 8 years ago)
Original post by ashleymacleod
I crashed higher modern studies this year, but I can't give much information on English personally.

I think it all depends on what you are looking to do once you leave school. If you are going to apply to university in Scotland then advanced highers usually aren't required for first year entry. The workload for advanced highers is considerably more and considering that you're doing art and music then they will require a lot of time too. A lot of people in my year got to prelims and dropped advanced highers due to the workload and the fact that they got unconditionals.

I personally find modern studies really interesting and I'm predicted an A this year. The essay writing skills are very similar to higher history. The workload for me has been quite minimal and usually consists of writing essays or completing source questions. It's useful if you keep up to date with current affairs as you can use your own research in your essays. The topics are interesting (depending on what your school do) and we're doing democracy, social issues and terrorism.

However, if you enjoy English more then perhaps consider taking it, because if you enjoy a subject then doing the work isn't as bad haha.

I honestly loved history and it was my favourite subject but I also crashed H. moddies and its boring. Such a stupid course structure too
Original post by Zain-A
I honestly loved history and it was my favourite subject but I also crashed H. moddies and its boring. Such a stupid course structure too

Higher History was my favourite course and I then I did advanced higher for a month and it destroyed the love I had for history haha.

Really? Everyone I know seems to dislike modern studies and I'm the only one who likes it xD I probably prefer it to history. The course structure is pretty strange to the fact where I barely understand it.
Original post by ashleymacleod
Higher History was my favourite course and I then I did advanced higher for a month and it destroyed the love I had for history haha.

Really? Everyone I know seems to dislike modern studies and I'm the only one who likes it xD I probably prefer it to history. The course structure is pretty strange to the fact where I barely understand it.

Yep thats what I hate about it. In Histriy you knew you studied 3 topics in depth - 2 for essays and 1 for sources.

But for moddies there's just notes thrown at you and the questions are so open and vauge. And you don't even need to know anything to answer the sources which I find just daft.
Original post by Zain-A
Yep thats what I hate about it. In Histriy you knew you studied 3 topics in depth - 2 for essays and 1 for sources.

But for moddies there's just notes thrown at you and the questions are so open and vauge. And you don't even need to know anything to answer the sources which I find just daft.

Yeah, I totally agree with you. The questions are sometimes so confusing because they could cover so many topics in one or very few.

Never actually thought about the source thing, but they're pretty easy compared to if you were to need knowledge for it. My teacher said the exam is meant to be the easier side of the course assessment and the assignment is what makes the difference between bands and grades.
Modern Studies is the best, I would highly, highly recommend it to anyone!
I decided to choose adv h English over h modern studies! Don't know how good of an idea that was but we'll just have to wait and see ! 😶
Original post by Hannahlouise1006
I decided to choose adv h English over h modern studies! Don't know how good of an idea that was but we'll just have to wait and see ! 😶

Good luck! I'm doing ADVH English this year. If you want to get ahead of the game, try and think up some ideas for your dissertation for when you come to it. You just need two books (that are of literary merit e.g. not twilight) that you can compare in regards to a question of your choosing.
Original post by wordshark
Good luck! I'm doing ADVH English this year. If you want to get ahead of the game, try and think up some ideas for your dissertation for when you come to it. You just need two books (that are of literary merit e.g. not twilight) that you can compare in regards to a question of your choosing.

Would you be able to give me a few good authors I could look into because I have no clue where to start!
Original post by Hannahlouise1006
Would you be able to give me a few good authors I could look into because I have no clue where to start!

Here is a good document I used.
As you can see there is an overwhelming number of books you can choose. It all depends on what you could be interested in. By no means is the list exhaustive and if it seems intimidating then I'm sure your English teacher will give you some help when you start the course.
Reply 11
I would probably take modern studies, I’m currently studying at N5 level and I know question types are similar, there are describe and explain which are easy then skills questions which are slightly higher. However given your predicted grade English is probably a safer bet and if you enjoy it that will be better, as you already have a social subject probably go with English if you would need to crash mods. I just gave you that mods information as a starter if you pick it