The Student Room Group

Cambridge Chat (previously New Cambridge Students Entry 2004)

I've cropped it for you if you want to use it. It's 100x100 now, the max size for a profile pic.

BTW, I've been trying to post this for a few minutes, but oh well.
Did I mention that I'm useless with computers?

You know what one is...

In my day I used to spend a lot of time in Soton uni (where they have fees office and stuff now) in the hard-core comp labs.

My mate Shanawaz's elder sister (a mature comp sci student) remorgaged her house to buy a £70k comp like the ones they had. It was £20k for meaningful software for it and the comps themselves (other than really cool monitors) were massive and looked crappy. They are no longer used (there is one room in the Hartley library which still used a couple of them until recently).

I know nothing of computers, how they work or anything like that. All I know is that I used to hang around with people who were into writing password programs and getting in trouble with the police. All I wanted to do was play on Mono (something like this but more basic and run by a London uni and accessable through JANET).

Anyone remember Jolly Roger? I still have a load of his Cookbook files I recently found on old disks (remember double density floppies? I had them and the old big square floppy things - do they still make drives for those?)? The wonders of extracting LSD from seeds (too scared of my practical skills to try this!) and preparing bananas for hallucinagenic compsumption... :smile:
Reply 3982
Oh thank you, Squishy! That's really kind!
I haven't had an email and the reactivation thing isn't working. Shall I sign up again?

Reply 3984
Yes the system uses PHP to deliver automated emails, dont worry, you're perfectly safe....misuse of the system and I'll just block em :tongue:

And vicki, I'm sure there must be a way to unblock certain addresses, but I havent seen the Hermes system myself so dont know!
Oh thank you, Squishy! That's really kind!

Oh, it's no trouble, just don't blame me when Pol starts hammering on about your picture. :wink:

Yes the system uses PHP to deliver automated emails, dont worry, you're perfectly safe....misuse of the system and I'll just block em :tongue:

Cool, just wondering. It's been far too long since I've done web-based coding, but I used to use Perl a fair bit for managing forms and mailing lists on my old site. I was told by a friend a lot of people use PHP now, but I haven't really had the time to look into it.

By the way, your name has 3 L's in it. Is that intentional?
There is something really appealing about Ticki. I have a tendency to say whatever is on my head (this usually drops me in the squishy brown stuff..) so I'll say she's not the prettiest girl on the site - but she looks really "mature" or something and that is quite nice.

Ellie4, for example, is really pretty but looks about 12 (which is why I think it's dodgy everyone going on about how great she is! [age catching up on me..]).

It's just a shame looking older isn't so hot in males as it is in Ticki..! :rolleyes:


Sorry - had to hammer on cos Squishy told me to!
the old big square floppy things - do they still make drives for those?)?

Oh, on the old BBC computers right? I started programming on of my old maths teachers had written a book with simple games you could put into them...not very good. I had to wait for a PC before I could produce anything remotely playable...ahh, Stick Fighter...
Reply 3988
she looks really "mature" or something

Funny you should say that - I'm one of the youngest in my year. Have only just turned 19 (18th birthday was A-level results day last year!).
By the way, your name has 3 L's in it. Is that intentional?

Watch out for the alias-thieves..!
Funny you should say that - I'm one of the youngest in my year. Have only just turned 19 (18th birthday was A-level results day last year!).

Well I meant it as a compliment anyway.

You people are all toooooooo young...! :frown:

Or maybe I'm just way too old.. :frown:

Well I meant it as a compliment anyway.

You people are all toooooooo young...! :frown:

Or maybe I'm just way too old.. :frown:


I am regularly accused of acting/talking like a fifty year old.

Oh, on the old BBC computers right? I started programming on of my old maths teachers had written a book with simple games you could put into them...not very good. I had to wait for a PC before I could produce anything remotely playable...ahh, Stick Fighter...

Another thing I found on old disks recently was a copy of Graphic Calculus I helped myself to from Southampton Uni's maths department a long time ago. It runs through DOS and looks just like the old BBC programs.

You can get some lovely patterns by doing 2-variable trig functions with indices and stuff :smile: It kept me amused for ages when I was younger - seems a bit naff now but still holds that "je ne sais quoi" retro appeal! :smile:
Watch out for the alias-thieves..!

Such a relevant warning, eh? Well, just so everyone knows, there's someone else called Squishy who just signed up, so if he/she posts anything weird, it's not me.

Old computers still have a lot of appeal...I kind of wish I was older though, because I wasn't around when the really basic stuff was happening.
Such a relevant warning, eh? Well, just so everyone knows, there's someone else called Squishy who just signed up, so if he/she posts anything weird, it's not me.

I had no intention of posting... I was just pointing out that it can easily be done by avoiding ascii symbols and that we could all be signing up to some spam-fest via wiLLLa2...
I had no intention of posting... I was just pointing out that it can easily be done by avoiding ascii symbols and that we could all be signing up to some spam-fest via wiLLLa2...

Hehe, I had my suspicions, but it seemed rude to accuse you when you PMed me about it. :smile:

I heard about identity thieves mentioned on another thread a while ago...I'm not sure how much damage they could do, given that the fake person will be discovered quite soon. Some sad people do sign others up to loads of mailing lists though if they know their email address.
I wasn't around when the really basic stuff was happening.

It didn't seem so basic back then... What do you think people will say in twenty years time..? :rolleyes:

It didn't seem so basic back then... What do you think people will say in twenty years time..? :rolleyes:


Well, yeah, it's all relative.
Hehe, I had my suspicions, but it seemed rude to accuse you when you PMed me about it. :smile:

I heard about identity thieves mentioned on another thread a while ago...I'm not sure how much damage they could do, given that the fake person will be discovered quite soon. Some sad people do sign others up to loads of mailing lists though if they know their email address.

Well I have only done that once - I made a King Gnostic account when Lord/Prince Gnostic was running around "genuinely and with malice" offending Muslims/Irish people/females/etc...

There's no appeal in it for me. Surely, if I did post as you (I guess your condom would be easy to copy&paste and if I was sad enough I could copy your details), it would come up as "post 1", etc... Thus making it obvious...

Ah well. Night night everyone. Sweet dreams and don't go starting any revolutions without letting me know first :wink:

I have once again lost track of this thread... I can't keep up. Oh well... hi.