The Student Room Group

Cambridge Chat (previously New Cambridge Students Entry 2004)

Reply 11980
we're banned from frying :frown: (and no it is not a ban worth flouting). i would like some (veggy) microwave recipes though! :smile:
i would like some (veggy) microwave recipes though! :smile:

I forgot pembroke were so random about that. I don't know any vegemeatariam microwave recipes, my mum and sis are the vegetarians in the house and they don't use the microwave we have in scotland. In fact I'm not convinced she even knows it's there, she just uses it as a shelf. I'm yet to convince her of the merits of melted cheese sandwiches and the like.

/me is ashamed to admit all I do is put frozen currys and 88p sainsbury macaronis in the oven

If I'm reaaaalllly lazy I just buy houmous, easiest meal there is.

Reply 11982
bah, I don't have an oven either.
Reply 11983
i mainly only use the microwave for reheating things. i have found you can cook quorn sausages in there quite successfully though (despite the packet's advice to only bake, fry, grill, or BBQ them - none of which options are available)
bah, I don't have an oven either.

I was only refering to the microwave oven in my post, I don't have a proper one, if I did I could make pizza and bake muffins and roulade and mince pies and cakes and get ridiculously fat like the last time I did all that :frown:. There are a couple in Clare though, one of my friends decided to bake a cake when drunk in one of the houses. He only went and made pastry with self-raising flour, no eggs or anything, I was also a bit drunk and didn't think to tell him until he was putting the 'cake' in the oven. In fairness it didn't actually taste too bad in the end, but it certainly wasnt cake.

Reply 11985
you can make cakes in the microwave actually! :biggrin:
you can make cakes in the microwave actually! :biggrin:

proper, real ones?
That rocks.

What about pastry, I'm good at mince pies/jam tarts, can they do them too?

Reply 11987
well, um, I dont think they come out exactly the same as oven baked ones. the only cakey thing I have ever done was a syrup sponge - that comes out brill and cooks in like 5 minutes. but I have seen recipes for more "proper cakes".

I'm not sure pastry would work as well though.
well, um, I dont think they come out exactly the same as oven baked ones. the only cakey thing I have ever done was a syrup sponge - that comes out brill and cooks in like 5 minutes. but I have seen recipes for more "proper cakes".

I'm not sure pastry would work as well though. oooh 3.5 mins. Sounds good. A few tips on converting recipes to microwave cakes. Might have to get a whisk at some point so I can cream the butter and sugar properly.

Mmmm cake.

Think I ought to go to bed now though, I'm supposed to be working :frown:
Sleep well,

Reply 11989
by the way, i just read this in the online guardian archives

Despite the traditional image of Cambridge University, it is one of the forerunners of the provision of varied shopping opportunities for students, and offers rental of electrical goods such as televisions and videos. Although the television sets are relatively old 21-inch models, rental is charged at £8 a week. Commercially speaking, this is poor value for money, when one considers that a local Cambridge electrical retailer offers rental of a new 32-inch Nicam widescreen set for just £5.64 a week.

Students can also rent Black & Decker drill kits and sewing machines from Cambridge University on a daily or weekly basis, and three-person tents and barbecues are available throughout the summer.

am i the only person who was unaware of this amazing opportunity?!
am i the only one who DOESNT want to dash back to cam at the earliest opportunity?

Nope. I like being lazy at home.

am i the only person who was unaware of this amazing opportunity?!

Nope. I was too. Maybe I'll hire a drill and then carry it around the place.
Reply 11991
God, and you cycle, to boathouses in that direction. It's between Coldhams lane and newmarket road iirc.

usually, boaties would be happily freezing *in* a boat when they go past that bridge/area. NOT in a bicycle, unless you happen to live in exile beyond the boundaries of the known world :biggrin:
im boycotting sainsburys next term (unless i really need something and am too lazy to get it by other means..). it's just too rubbish.

trust me. that'll last all of 1 or 2 weeks. sains and tescoes are about equidistant from my current house. i still shop at sains - nearer to college and lecture theatres, despite getting a tescoes clubcard and promising myself to get cheaper stuff... :rolleyes:
... and three-person tents and barbecues are available throughout the summer.

am i the only person who was unaware of this amazing opportunity?!

1. renting a television set but not getting a license is risky. getting a license makes the whole exercise really expensive and pointless.

2. anyone for renting an *officially sanctioned* :biggrin: tent and barbecue and setting up shop in the middle of King's college or Trinity Great Court? :biggrin:
Reply 11992
yeah, but you don't understand how deep my hatred of sainsburys runs.
Reply 11993
yeah, but you don't understand how deep my hatred of sainsburys runs.

fine. 3 weeks :wink:
Reply 11994
yeah, but you don't understand how deep my hatred of sainsburys runs.

what!??! sainsburys is GOD personified
Reply 11995
what planet are you on? you may live near it but that doesnt make it good. its overpriced, understocked, doesn't sell anything you want even when they DO have stock, crowded, and employs completely useless moronic staff...
Reply 11996
understocked!? i've never had that problem myself, always plenty of things i need in there. will agree with the pricing, we need asda to move closer!!
understocked!? i've never had that problem myself, always plenty of things i need in there. will agree with the pricing, we need asda to move closer!!

Bleh, the stocking is awful!
If there's a good deal on Pepsi Max I need to know when the lorry is arriving so that I don't have to go without.
They don't sell tins of lentils, they don't sell a good variety of curry jars, they're frequently out of half of their turkey and last term I don't think they ever had their own brand haddock fish fingers in stock. Their bread levels fluctuate too much and it's sometimes hard to get white pitta (non garlic) and full fat houmous.

The staff aren't too bad though, most are friendly and some even seem to recognise me now. I do have some rather odd conversations with them from time to time though, like explaining what macaroni was and about whether white people ate houmous.

Reply 11998
they never have the stuff i want out on the shelves. prtey much every time i go i can't buy 2-3 things off my list or have to get more expensive alternative. usually missing the bread, cereal, OJ, small cucumbers.. have you seriously not seen the HUGE gaps in the shelves where things are completely sold out :confused:
Oh, and they had no own brand (non premium but not value) smoked bacon the other day. The one time I have someone else to buy me lots of expensive protein in the shop and they aren't selling any.
