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Edexcel A2 Mathematics: Core Mathematics C4 6666 01 - 22 June 2018 [Exam Discussion]

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Edexcel A Level Maths Discussion Thread - 2018 Edition

Looking for the C4 Unofficial Markscheme? Find it here!

Hey guys, I thought I'd make this niiiiiice and early so we can all share how we're preparing for our Maths exams this year?

Core 4
Date: Friday 22nd June 2018
Time: Morning
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes
Days to go?: It’s over!! :woohoo:

Probably the most important way to prepare for maths is to do plenty of past papers! You can find all Edexcel Maths past papers here.

Also, Physics & Maths Tutor has some good resources for revision - everything from revision notes to questions on specific topics. Materials for C4 can be found here.

Good luck with the preparations everyone, let the countdown commence!

Other Edexcel Exam Threads:
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Edexcel A2 Further Pure FP3
(edited 6 years ago)

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C4 is definitely my least favourite paper :frown:

As soon as this exam is over, holiday timeee
(edited 6 years ago)
Literally finished C4 today and honestly just makes me more excited. This will be my last exam and i can't wait to leave omg..
Here's hoping they make this exam a good one!

I've found Exam Solutions to be very helpful as well, if anyone finds that video walkthroughs of questions are easier to understand!
C4 2017 solutions

Edexcel C4 June 2017 | Complete Model Answers & Solutions:
Are you guys doing the edexcel papers only or are you doing solomon now
Please someone explain how to do Edexcel Exercise 4B

Find dy/dx

for x = (2y/x^2 -y)

I have solved normally by multiplying by x^2 -y etc.
and I obtain:

dy/dx = 3x^2 - y / (x+2)

But I want to solve by using the quotient rule. but I cant get the same answer.

pls help :smile:
Original post by nisha.sri
Are you guys doing the edexcel papers only or are you doing solomon now

I don't know why I found that solomon papers are actually easier than exam papers.
Original post by belle.mollycx
Please someone explain how to do Edexcel Exercise 4B

Find dy/dx

for x = (2y/x^2 -y)

I have solved normally by multiplying by x^2 -y etc.
and I obtain:

dy/dx = 3x^2 - y / (x+2)

But I want to solve by using the quotient rule. but I cant get the same answer.

pls help :smile:

Is the answer you obtained right?

Also, the differentiation could have different forms though.
(edited 6 years ago)
This from IAL October 2017 paper Q12d
Any visual explanation will be appreciated thanks
How are you all revising now ? Which past papers do you think are more useful to do ?
Original post by nisha.sri
How are you all revising now ? Which past papers do you think are more useful to do ?

solomon papers
Reply 11
Original post by nisha.sri
How are you all revising now ? Which past papers do you think are more useful to do ?

Edexcel have now caught up with Solomon Papers for C4. So, do what you want! But recent papers are a must! (of course)

Solomon papers for C3 are really good to do (imo - it opens the door on what edexcel could do for questions like iteration, where they might take the easiest chapters, that are easily look over by students, and make them hard)... i’ve just finished the solomon papers.

Then going to carry on with some C4, solomon and back to recent edexcel papers.
Original post by kunalkishanmehta
This from IAL October 2017 paper Q12d
Any visual explanation will be appreciated thanks

do you have the answers to this?
(edited 6 years ago)
Original post by warmmuffin
do you have the answers to this?

the mark scheme
but i don't understand part d still
Original post by kunalkishanmehta
the mark scheme
but i don't understand part d still

So we know the magnitude of AC is 24, therefore μ multiplied by the magnitude of the directional vectors must equal 24. The magnitude of the direction vectors is the square root of 8^2 + 4^2 + 1^2, and this equals 9. Therefore μ multiplied by 9 must equal 24, and so μ is 24/9 which is 8/3. Point C can be either the directional vector multiplied by positive or negative μ, hence giving two values. I know this isn't visual but I hope it makes some sense!
Original post by warmmuffin
So we know the magnitude of AC is 24, therefore μ multiplied by the magnitude of the directional vectors must equal 24. The magnitude of the direction vectors is the square root of 8^2 + 4^2 + 1^2, and this equals 9. Therefore μ multiplied by 9 must equal 24, and so μ is 24/9 which is 8/3. Point C can be either the directional vector multiplied by positive or negative μ, hence giving two values. I know this isn't visual but I hope it makes some sense!

It actually makes a lot of sense thanks a lot!!
Reply 18
Original post by nisha.sri
Hey guys could you help me with this SOLOMON PAPER E on question 5a. I dont understand how integrated it and got 5 at the front of the equation. Here is the ms and paper :smile: E MS - C4 Edexcel.pdf E QP - C4 Edexcel.pdf

You’ve probably already figured it out by now (i think)...

(Right hand side) But anyways... integrating -ke^-(0.2)t .dt => (-1/-0.2)ke^-0.2t (plus sign) C// then simplifies to y = 5ke^-0.2t (plus sign) C

And subst h=meters=y=2 and t = 0 to find C

Edit: (the left hand side of the equation)... integrating 1dy is straight forward yannoe, differential equation blishshhshsshsh blashshshsh blosh.
(edited 6 years ago)
You’ve probably already figured it out by now (i think)...

(Right hand side) But anyways... integrating -ke^-(0.2)t .dt => (-1/-0.2)ke^-0.2t (plus sign) C// then simplifies to y = 5ke^-0.2t (plus sign) C

And subst h=meters=y=2 and t = 0 to find C

Edit: (the left hand side of the equation)... integrating 1dy is straight forward yannoe, differential equation blishshhshsshsh blashshshsh blosh.

Thank you :smile: Yes i did figure it out earlier on but thank you anyways :smile:

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