The Student Room Group

Hills Road 2022 application

Hi, I’m currently in Year 11 and I’ve applied to Hills Road for September 2022 entry - my current A-Level ideas are Classic Civilisation, History of Art, English Literature and Politics. I’m applying as an out-of-area student so I hope I get in🤞
I’m a bit nervous since I don’t know anyone going and I feel like lots of people from the CAP schools will know each other and already be friends :0
Do any past students from Hills Road have any advice or tips about their experiences, or is there anyone else applying this year who wants to chat? :smile:)

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hi! current year 13 whos also out of area ! Cambridge students do tend to stay in their secondary school groups i found, however take that hesitantly as my year did around 5-6 months of year 12 online due to hills' policy of alternating online/in person weeks.

but societies make a massive difference to this ! i'd really recommend joining a bunch at first to make friends.
(edited 3 years ago)
Reply 2
Original post by isabelbelle
hi! current year 13 whos also out of area ! Cambridge students do tend to stay in their secondary school groups i found, however take that hesitantly as my year did around 5-6 months of year 12 online due to hills' policy of alternating online/in person weeks.

but societies make a massive difference to this ! i'd really recommend joining a bunch at first to make friends.

That’s really helpful, thank you! All the societies are definitely one of the reasons I want to go to Hills Road so I’ll be sure to join lots :smile:
Hey there! I know it's a bit later but I am applying to Hills this year too. I know results about offers will come back soon and I wish you luck on your application! I'm studying abroad at the moment so I'm definitely out of zone so I'm really quite nervous to go to any sixth form 🤧
Reply 4
Same, I’ve been at the same school for 8 years now so if I do decide to go to Hills (if I get in!) I’m super nervous since I’m a bit out of practice with going to a new school. But good luck to you too!
Reply 5
Original post by laram2529
Same, I’ve been at the same school for 8 years now so if I do decide to go to Hills (if I get in!) I’m super nervous since I’m a bit out of practice with going to a new school. But good luck to you too!

Hi Both,
I am out of area do you know when we are likely to find our if we have an offer? They said end of March so I guess anytime in the next week. What was your admissions scores and what would you plan to study? Good luck.
Reply 6
Original post by TomAS96
Hi Both,
I am out of area do you know when we are likely to find our if we have an offer? They said end of March so I guess anytime in the next week. What was your admissions scores and what would you plan to study? Good luck.

Hey, yes all I heard was by the end of March so I’m hoping for any day now? I think I’ll be doing English Lit, Classics and Politics and my admissions score was 81 I believe - what about you? Wishing you luck too!
Hello, yeah I think all we got was that the results will be back by the end of the month so I’m assuming in the next week or so. For A-level subjects I chose bio chem, physics and maths as a backup. I don’t remember what the score was during my course discussion but if I used my mock grades it’s around 80. I wish you luck with your admission!
has anyone actually got an acceptance email yet because im starting to lose hope 😭
i mean its not the end of the world if i dont get accepted ,, but id really like to
(edited 2 years ago)
Original post by cvffeemoon
has anyone actually got an acceptance email yet because im starting to lose hope 😭
i mean its not the end of the world if i dont get accepted ,, but id really like to

I don't think anyone's received anything yet- I wish they'd hurry up cause I'm dying to know 😭😭
Reply 10
I am guessing they will start going out from Monday as it's the last week if term. I was ill during my first mocks so my grades were low. my score was 72 which is frustrating as they have been increased back up to closer to 80 which is why I am worried.
Reply 11
Original post by cvffeemoon
has anyone actually got an acceptance email yet because im starting to lose hope 😭
i mean its not the end of the world if i dont get accepted ,, but id really like to

I haven’t got anything either and haven’t heard of anyone who has! But my friend whose brother goes to Hills says that if you meet the criteria and if you get a guidance meeting then you’re basically already in, especially as they accept so many people. I don’t know how true that is but if it is then I wouldn’t be too worried ! Good luck😊
Reply 12
Original post by TomAS96
I am guessing they will start going out from Monday as it's the last week if term. I was ill during my first mocks so my grades were low. my score was 72 which is frustrating as they have been increased back up to closer to 80 which is why I am worried.

I think so too, or maybe sooner because some schools finish this week. 72 is still far above the minimum admissions score of 58 so I’m sure you’ll be more than alright, and if not I’ve heard you can reapply on results day with your actual grades so you could always get in then?
Original post by TomAS96
I am guessing they will start going out from Monday as it's the last week if term. I was ill during my first mocks so my grades were low. my score was 72 which is frustrating as they have been increased back up to closer to 80 which is why I am worried.

Yeah I would assume so too. I really don't think 72 is a score you need to worry about, it's above the requirement and I'm pretty certain the school won't be too judgemental over it. Just don't worry too much about it since the results will come back soon and it's like super draining to worry about stuff right now.
Reply 14
Original post by happycappy
Yeah I would assume so too. I really don't think 72 is a score you need to worry about, it's above the requirement and I'm pretty certain the school won't be too judgemental over it. Just don't worry too much about it since the results will come back soon and it's like super draining to worry about stuff right now.

Thanks, fingers crossed it's good news for us next week
Reply 15
Original post by TomAS96
Thanks, fingers crossed it's good news for us next week

Can people post if they hear something.
hey i've been trying to find people who have applied to hills road for a while and im getting kind of scared atm bc of not being emailed anything with 2 days to go but you guys all made me feel sm better, good luck to everyone :smile: i've picked classics, history and philosophy (i may swap philosophy for maths) and can't wait
Original post by viki1917
hey i've been trying to find people who have applied to hills road for a while and im getting kind of scared atm bc of not being emailed anything with 2 days to go but you guys all made me feel sm better, good luck to everyone :smile: i've picked classics, history and philosophy (i may swap philosophy for maths) and can't wait

I don't think they'll email anyone today- me and my friends who applied from my school have been checking all day and it seems unlikely for them to email tonight. I literally can't wait any longer; it's so stressful to wait 😭 I really hope that ''by the 30th'' they didn't actually mean ON the 30th 💀 Good luck!!
GOODBYE IMAGINE ive been fr stressing ab it for the past 2 weeks they need to hurry up
Original post by viki1917
goodbye imagine ive been fr stressing ab it for the past 2 weeks they need to hurry up

literally plss

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