You are just a person who doesn't eat fish don't think there is a particular term for it, but here to make you happy what about calling yourself a Fishtarian?
do you eat any other type of meat? if not then you're a vegetarian, because vegans consume no aminal products and i assume drink milk and eat eggs so that leaves vegetarian.
Ah that, erm.... it's just a visual representation of how I have lost the plot completely and it's a great icebreaker at parties, the zoo is also quite a favourite in the Classics society.
A pescetarian is a person who eats fish but not meat. Anyway, I don't think there is a word for it but I might be completely mistaken.
Ah okay cool! My first post was an epic fail anyway, I said "fish-itarian" without the hyphen and got ********ed out because it looked like i was swearing in the middle