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how do I get boyfreind if i am ugly

how do I get a boyfriend if am ugly

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Original post by 98765431
how do I get a boyfriend if am ugly

Look doesn't matter sometimes. It is who you really are. A right boyfriend will just come to you, of course I don't mean , you just sit and wait, try to make friends, having conversations and 'he' will discover your true value.
Original post by DO253467
Look doesn't matter sometimes. It is who you really are. A right boyfriend will just come to you, of course I don't mean , you just sit and wait, try to make friends, having conversations and 'he' will discover your true value.

ikr so true
if you want to improve your appearance, if you are underweight or verweight or something, go to the gym and eat healthier and get fitter, usually losing weight and gaining muscle makes you more beautiful, and that can make you more attractive to bys if thats what you want
I know I sound like a mum when I say this but DRINK WATER
Eat breakfast
Eat healthy
Go for a 30 minute walk everyday
Try curling your lashes
Did I mention drink water?
Get a skincare routine
If your skin isn’t bad, still get a skincare routine so your skin stays clean and healthy also no need for a bunch of serums, those are mainly useless
Use coconut oil on your eyelashes to help them grow, not Vaseline
Oh but use Vaseline on eyelashes when you curl them to help them stay curled
Drink water, I cannot stress this enough.

P.S. Guys if anyone has any advice for me cuz I’m going through some friendship problems and it’s really making me stressed, could you comment on my other thread titled ‘please help me’ in the relationships forum
Reply 5
Never brand yourself ugly. Attractiveness comprises both appearance and personality, play to strengths, work on weaknesses. With effort everyone finds a decent relationship, although granted it can be a tricky journey
Original post by Zarek
Never brand yourself ugly. Attractiveness comprises both appearance and personality, play to strengths, work on weaknesses. With effort everyone finds a decent relationship, although granted it can be a tricky journey

That'sgood advice x
Original post by 98765431
how do I get a boyfriend if am ugly

I wanna say that the right guy will come but that could be cliche of me to say.
That may sound mean but I am ugly as well. Everyone bases looks first then personality and then personality is what makes you more interested in a person. That being said, how are you supposed to start a relationship with someone if you cant have the looks to draw them in, in the first place.
Work on the part you think need changing
But for the sake of us both, i'm gonna keep saying that the right guy will come(hehe i hate msyelf)
Original post by Anonymous #1
I wanna say that the right guy will come but that could be cliche of me to say.
That may sound mean but I am ugly as well. Everyone bases looks first then personality and then personality is what makes you more interested in a person. That being said, how are you supposed to start a relationship with someone if you cant have the looks to draw them in, in the first place.
Work on the part you think need changing
But for the sake of us both, i'm gonna keep saying that the right guy will come(hehe i hate msyelf)

U probably think ur ugly but let's be honest beauty is more than looks. Apparently I'm adorable but I don't think so. Can anyone tell me if I'm pretty based in my pfp please
Original post by leahjanemeasures
U probably think ur ugly but let's be honest beauty is more than looks. Apparently I'm adorable but I don't think so. Can anyone tell me if I'm pretty based in my pfp please

isnt beauty and looks the same thing. Also i can't believe ur asking that question, if you think ur ugly, why would you put a profile pic of you on TSR? If its actually you, you're beautiful and it seems like ur just fishing for compliments lol.
Original post by Anonymous #1
isnt beauty and looks the same thing. Also i can't believe ur asking that question, if you think ur ugly, why would you put a profile pic of you on TSR? If its actually you, you're beautiful and it seems like ur just fishing for compliments lol.

Umm no my friends think I'm cute and told me to upload a pic of me as my pfp so people can be honest about my looks and no beauty can come in many forms but looks is general appearance x
Original post by leahjanemeasures
Umm no my friends think I'm cute and told me to upload a pic of me as my pfp so people can be honest about my looks and no beauty can come in many forms but looks is general appearance x

ur friends r right, ur like a model.
Original post by Anonymous #1
ur friends r right, ur like a model.

SADLY I'm single tho x
Original post by leahjanemeasures
SADLY I'm single tho x

Hey, private messaged me, I just wanted to know if you got my reply?
No I didn't sorry x
Original post by leahjanemeasures
No I didn't sorry x

Oh, I don’t know why it didn’t send, but if you just search please help me in the search bar it should come up, I just really need advice on this and no one is giving any, thank you so much by the way
Original post by Heythere…
Oh, I don’t know why it didn’t send, but if you just search please help me in the search bar it should come up, I just really need advice on this and no one is giving any, thank you so much by the way

UM does the person know how they r making you feel??
Original post by leahjanemeasures
UM does the person know how they r making you feel??

It’s been going on like this for two years, and this person has been doing stuff that is definitely considered rude like talking bad about others and rolling her eyes whenever I walk into the room, she definitely knows what she’s doing but I haven’t personally mentioned it to her, but my other friend did and she would make up more stuff that wasn’t even half true
ID say talk to her
Original post by leahjanemeasures
ID say talk to her

Have you read the thread?

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