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I applied to qub last year and got rejected, I'm thinking of applying again, do I need to contact the admission team to inform them? Is there something I need to do before applying again?
One more thing, the link for 2022 thread actually links to the 2021 thread
Original post by Hussein2004
I applied to qub last year and got rejected, I'm thinking of applying again, do I need to contact the admission team to inform them? Is there something I need to do before applying again?

I’d just check you meet all the requirements on the website so you can reapply :smile: If you’re unsure email them and get them to confirm in writing that your application will be considered.
Reply 4
Hello - What was the points cutoff for interview for 2022 applicants?
Reply 5
Original post by TINDI
Hello - What was the points cutoff for interview for 2022 applicants?

It was around 36. QUB usually publish it with their scoring, so keep an eye out for that, as if they pick up on the issues with GCSE grade inflation, they may change it. Have a read of last year’s thread -tedious, but a lot of info in them
Reply 6
Original post by GANFYD
It was around 36. QUB usually publish it with their scoring, so keep an eye out for that, as if they pick up on the issues with GCSE grade inflation, they may change it. Have a read of last year’s thread -tedious, but a lot of info in them

Noted, thanks.
Reply 7
Original post by TINDI
Hello - What was the points cutoff for interview for 2022 applicants?

I got 37 and wasn’t interviewed last year, but they didn’t reject me until the very end. Got 2460 on UCAT and was band 3 (think this was the issue). But who knows? Reapplying this year with achieved A levels. Good luck!
Reply 8
Original post by Llyr123
I got 37 and wasn’t interviewed last year, but they didn’t reject me until the very end. Got 2460 on UCAT and was band 3 (think this was the issue). But who knows? Reapplying this year with achieved A levels. Good luck!

Much appreciated, thanks
Original post by Llyr123
I got 37 and wasn’t interviewed last year, but they didn’t reject me until the very end. Got 2460 on UCAT and was band 3 (think this was the issue). But who knows? Reapplying this year with achieved A levels. Good luck!

They have recently put up the updates admissions statement for 2023 entry:,1483149,en.pdf

You must have been really unlucky; on page 8 they state the cut off for interview was 37 and above.. good luck for this time. Is there a UCAT cut off in addition to their points system? Otherwise I don't understand why you didn't get an interview?? They seem keen on showing the commitment to the uni, which is encouraging.
My daughter is planning on applying, hopefully ucat at the end of the month will go well enough!
do acheived applicants get full academics points?
Reply 11
Original post by Hussein2004
do acheived applicants get full academics points?

Yes if you look in the link above it gives you the requirements. You get the full 36 points for achieved A levels plus a maximum of 6 points for your UCAT.
Reply 12
My understanding is that the required points are based on GCSE results plus UCAT results.
Reply 13
Original post by Hussein2004
do acheived applicants get full academics points?

Yes, but QUB are very funny about rapplications

3.8 Repeat Candidates (Please also refer to 3.18 below)
Due to the competition for places the number of offers made to students resitting A-levels has to be restricted. Normally only those who had applied to study Medicine at Queen’s at the first attempt and held an offer (if made) as their Conditional Firm (CF) choice are considered. In addition they must have achieved A*AB/AAA at Alevel or AAB at A-level plus A in a fourth AS-level at first attempt. The offer for repeat candidates is currently either A*AA or AAA at A-level plus A in a fourth AS-level. Only two attempts at A-levels are allowed.
For repeat candidates at Stage One, 36 points will be allocated for meeting the A/ASlevel grades required to qualify for consideration and points then awarded according to performance in UCAT (as indicated above in Section 3.3) to give an overall score for short listing purposes. UCAT must be retaken as it is only valid for one application cycle.

3.9 Applicants who have already Satisfied Academic Requirements (Please also refer to 3.18 below)
Applications from candidates who have already achieved the normal academic requirements in their second level examinations, for example AAA at A-level plus A in a fourth AS and are applying for Medicine for a second time, will only be considered if they included Queen’s as one of their Medical choices first time round ie evidence of commitment to the University is important from the outset. Such candidates who have satisfied the subject requirements, will be awarded 36 points at Stage One. Points will then be awarded according to performance in UCAT to give an overall score for shortlisting purposes. UCAT must be retaken as it is only valid for one application cycle.
Applications from candidates who have already achieved the normal academic requirements in their second level examinations (as above) will also be considered if they have never applied through UCAS for medicine before and are therefore applying to this subject for the first time because of a change in career plans.
great I have 40 points then, lets hope the interviews are online as its difficult to go from edinburgh to belfast
Reply 15
@TLC @GANFYD Hi, I was speaking with one of the QUB representatives earlier today about whether I would get a good chance to go to queen's next year for med. I told him that I got 37 points, which was last year's cutoff and he said he would be "shocked" if the points exceeded 37 this year as it was the highest cutoff score that QUB had to date and with him claiming that I should most definitely apply this year. Would you take their advice or do you think it is a way for them to get me to apply?
Reply 16
Original post by rasjo
@TLC @GANFYD Hi, I was speaking with one of the QUB representatives earlier today about whether I would get a good chance to go to queen's next year for med. I told him that I got 37 points, which was last year's cutoff and he said he would be "shocked" if the points exceeded 37 this year as it was the highest cutoff score that QUB had to date and with him claiming that I should most definitely apply this year. Would you take their advice or do you think it is a way for them to get me to apply?

Well, they are talking rubbish for a start, as the cut off has been 38 even in the time I have been doing this!
In 2019, there were 837 with all 9s at GCSE, in 2020 (ie most applicants last year) there were 2645 and in 2021 (ie most applicants this year) there were 3606. And that is without all the extra 8s...... So there are A LOT more high GCSE grades about this year, even than last, and with UCAT cut offs going up, people with grades and middling UCAT are looking further afield. The only thing I cannot comment on is whether NI had a similar increase in A*s, as that may make a difference.
I would say, as I always do, it depends how much you like QUB, how safe your other choices are and how much risk you are prepared to accept
Would you say 39 points would be a safe bet? 34 for GCSE’s (7A*s and 2As)5 for UCAT (2770 and B2)Thanks.
Reply 18
Original post by GANFYD
Well, they are talking rubbish for a start, as the cut off has been 38 even in the time I have been doing this!
In 2019, there were 837 with all 9s at GCSE, in 2020 (ie most applicants last year) there were 2645 and in 2021 (ie most applicants this year) there were 3606. And that is without all the extra 8s...... So there are A LOT more high GCSE grades about this year, even than last, and with UCAT cut offs going up, people with grades and middling UCAT are looking further afield. The only thing I cannot comment on is whether NI had a similar increase in A*s, as that may make a difference.
I would say, as I always do, it depends how much you like QUB, how safe your other choices are and how much risk you are prepared to accept

@GANFYD, thank you so much for this post. Because before that, we were thinking QUB was the hope for our son who got low UCAT score (2470) and GCSE 9999988888. It only adds up to 35 points. We don’t know where to apply anymore. Sitting BMAT but not relying on BMAT score because physics and maths are not strong points and only a few weeks left to prepare and he also have learning differences. I posted on mega thread but didn’t get any answers yet. I will be very grateful if you can give us some suggestions please. We are so new to this world and reading the websites but quite lost. Currently thinking unis which will take GCSE into account, Cardiff, Aston, UEA and ARU ( because we live in the area and will it make a difference ?).
UCAT 2470
VR 640
AR 610
DM 610
QR 610
SJT Band 3

GCSE 9999988888
A level predicted AAA ( biology, chemistry, history) doing EPQ too
Work experience: 1 week shadowing GP, 1 week at medical ward, hospital, 1 month as admin assistant in GP surgery during summer.
BSMS virtual work experience too. Volunteered in library for 3 years. LAMDA grade 7.
No contextual qualified.
I hope you can reply. Thank you so much.
Reply 19
Original post by TG157
@GANFYD, thank you so much for this post. Because before that, we were thinking QUB was the hope for our son who got low UCAT score (2470) and GCSE 9999988888. It only adds up to 35 points. We don’t know where to apply anymore. Sitting BMAT but not relying on BMAT score because physics and maths are not strong points and only a few weeks left to prepare and he also have learning differences. I posted on mega thread but didn’t get any answers yet. I will be very grateful if you can give us some suggestions please. We are so new to this world and reading the websites but quite lost. Currently thinking unis which will take GCSE into account, Cardiff, Aston, UEA and ARU ( because we live in the area and will it make a difference ?).
UCAT 2470
VR 640
AR 610
DM 610
QR 610
SJT Band 3

GCSE 9999988888
A level predicted AAA ( biology, chemistry, history) doing EPQ too
Work experience: 1 week shadowing GP, 1 week at medical ward, hospital, 1 month as admin assistant in GP surgery during summer.
BSMS virtual work experience too. Volunteered in library for 3 years. LAMDA grade 7.
No contextual qualified.
I hope you can reply. Thank you so much.

Hi, please don’t go for Cardiff! They are very cagey about how they score for interview. I had a similar UCAT last year, am Welsh (and did all my education in the Welsh language). Had 6xA*s, 3As & 1B at GCSE so should have got an interview according to their criteria. But rejected immediately. Sorry, but please don’t waste a choice on them!