The Student Room Group


All I have got from uni is depression, anxiety, debt and addiction I’m tired of working just lost my second job can’t afford my rent can’t afford to fix my car which someone drove into and then drove off. Can’t ask my parents for money because they are struggling too. Don’t talk to any of my so called friends I am alone in this world. Pretty sure I’m not a nice person to be around if you make the one person you love self harm because all I care about is myself and I let that overpower the fact that not everything is about me. Can’t stop feeling sorry for myself try and make myself happy and hopeful but no amount of money or antidepressant can help that…
Original post by Anonymous
All I have got from uni is depression, anxiety, debt and addiction I’m tired of working just lost my second job can’t afford my rent can’t afford to fix my car which someone drove into and then drove off. Can’t ask my parents for money because they are struggling too. Don’t talk to any of my so called friends I am alone in this world. Pretty sure I’m not a nice person to be around if you make the one person you love self harm because all I care about is myself and I let that overpower the fact that not everything is about me. Can’t stop feeling sorry for myself try and make myself happy and hopeful but no amount of money or antidepressant can help that…

Have you done the following?
1) Have you seen a counselor about this? It's good to speak to someone about the problems
2) Is your insurance third party only? If not, have you spoken to your insurance broker about the possibility of a claim?
3) If you're from a low income household, have you consider applying for bursaries and scholarships (sources available from your university)? The sums are not much, but it might help depending on your circumstances

It's difficult to be able to be nice to other people if you have these sort of problems. It's partly why I pause whenever people are acting really really bad.
The first step to stop feeling sorry about yourself is usually to step up and do something about it.
Life unfortunately throw curve balls at us; to life these are just random chances. To us, it will seem like the world is caving in. All we can do is to prepare for them, and mitigate those risks where possible.
Find friends who you can call true friends. They are worth their weight in gold.
It also sounds like there is a central/root cause that's causing your depression, but I might be wrong i.e. whilst the issues around your car, university, job, etc. are bad, it doesn't sound like they are the sole causes of your depression and there's something deeper. Again, seek a counselor to help with this.

If you can find another job, do so. Whilst I don't encourage students to work while they study, economics dictate your necessities.
Reply 2
Original post by Anonymous
Have you done the following?
1) Have you seen a counselor about this? It's good to speak to someone about the problems
2) Is your insurance third party only? If not, have you spoken to your insurance broker about the possibility of a claim?
3) If you're from a low income household, have you consider applying for bursaries and scholarships (sources available from your university)? The sums are not much, but it might help depending on your circumstances

It's difficult to be able to be nice to other people if you have these sort of problems. It's partly why I pause whenever people are acting really really bad.
The first step to stop feeling sorry about yourself is usually to step up and do something about it.
Life unfortunately throw curve balls at us; to life these are just random chances. To us, it will seem like the world is caving in. All we can do is to prepare for them, and mitigate those risks where possible.
Find friends who you can call true friends. They are worth their weight in gold.
It also sounds like there is a central/root cause that's causing your depression, but I might be wrong i.e. whilst the issues around your car, university, job, etc. are bad, it doesn't sound like they are the sole causes of your depression and there's something deeper. Again, seek a counselor to help with this.

If you can find another job, do so. Whilst I don't encourage students to work while they study, economics dictate your necessities.

I currently doing cognitive behavioural therapy but it’s still pretty new and have only just started having them more frequent but I don’t know how it works and atm I am just doing the tasks she asks me to and the questionnaires. We talk quite a lot but run over the session yes it’s good to talk to someone but it just doesn’t work anymore. Regarding the insurance I can’t do anything without a number plate i know of the person now but just got an email from the police last week saying they can’t help and to go to my insurance even though my insurance told me to tell the police. I’m not from a low income household but my parents are getting old and want to retire soon they can’t afford to help me already owe them money. Honestly I barely go into work because I just can’t take it and I’m starting to let down my employers not even notifying potential jobs that I don’t want the role because I just can’t do it. I can’t do anything without a negative consequence it might seem like I’m complaining a lot but trust me this is the most I have ever said to anyone it’s hard to talk about my problems but easier if I post anonymously so I can be truthful I guess.
Reply 3
I don’t really care about the friends i guess that’s just me complaining about how *****y my life is and how alone I am. I have come to terms with the fact that people don’t stay in your life forever it’s just more that fact that I have had people in my life and they all seem to just leave me no one has ever been there for me always. From nursery to now I don’t have one person I can name that I could rely on or even feel comfortable talking to which hurts but 🤷*♂️
Original post by Anonymous
I currently doing cognitive behavioural therapy but it’s still pretty new and have only just started having them more frequent but I don’t know how it works and atm I am just doing the tasks she asks me to and the questionnaires. We talk quite a lot but run over the session yes it’s good to talk to someone but it just doesn’t work anymore. Regarding the insurance I can’t do anything without a number plate i know of the person now but just got an email from the police last week saying they can’t help and to go to my insurance even though my insurance told me to tell the police. I’m not from a low income household but my parents are getting old and want to retire soon they can’t afford to help me already owe them money. Honestly I barely go into work because I just can’t take it and I’m starting to let down my employers not even notifying potential jobs that I don’t want the role because I just can’t do it. I can’t do anything without a negative consequence it might seem like I’m complaining a lot but trust me this is the most I have ever said to anyone it’s hard to talk about my problems but easier if I post anonymously so I can be truthful I guess.

CBT is a type of therapy that corrects behaviour patterns. Counseling is where you talk about your problems.
Don't get me wrong, therapy is useful, but I think you should follow it up with life/personal coaching where possible. Therapy is supposed to open you up, but it's usually not the therapist's job to get you to change your life. The coach can help, but the onus is still on you.

I would recommend looking at self help/improvement if possible. Some things might come across a bit woo-woo for a Brit, but a number of the things mentioned do work (at the very least they alleviate the issues).

Whilst I am not saying you should have wishful thoughts, a negative attitude will affect how you perceive things as well as making negative consequences seem more likely (according to a number of sources, as well as myself). You might start to recognise it through the patterns you have at work.
I also appreciate that you're going through a tough period in your life, and that your reactions and perceptions are natural. However, it's also true that the negative attitude won't serve you. If you need to let it out, speak to the counselor about it. Once you have, try to change the attitude, even if it's challenging. At the very least, you're more likely to attract and meet the sort of genuine people who you would enjoy time with.
Reply 5
I hear what you mean but how am I supposed to do all of this if I can’t stand my job I’m stressing looking for another one just so I can pay my rent let’s be honest as well I get another job and won’t have time for anything will literally be work then uni but having to put the work first. Probably gonna fail like I did during covid because I spent most of my time working.
Original post by Anonymous #1
I hear what you mean but how am I supposed to do all of this if I can’t stand my job I’m stressing looking for another one just so I can pay my rent let’s be honest as well I get another job and won’t have time for anything will literally be work then uni but having to put the work first. Probably gonna fail like I did during covid because I spent most of my time working.

Sorry for the late reply.

Would you be able to update me on where you are at now?
Original post by Anonymous #2
Sorry for the late reply.

Would you be able to update me on where you are at now?

Yes I do have an update, a good one. What was making me so depressed wasn’t the fact that I had money problems or car problems, the problem was the relationship I was in. Whilst this wasn’t the sole contributing factor being single has made life a lot easier. The thing is I wrote on here explaining a situation that happened in my relationship and had I taken the advice onboard I would have realised sooner. I finished my degree and graduated I'm happy in my line of work, I'm happy in my life might be an alcoholic and maybe promiscuous but I’m enjoying myself and big things are coming, my future has never looked brighter.
Original post by Anonymous #1
Yes I do have an update, a good one. What was making me so depressed wasn’t the fact that I had money problems or car problems, the problem was the relationship I was in. Whilst this wasn’t the sole contributing factor being single has made life a lot easier. The thing is I wrote on here explaining a situation that happened in my relationship and had I taken the advice onboard I would have realised sooner. I finished my degree and graduated I'm happy in my line of work, I'm happy in my life might be an alcoholic and maybe promiscuous but I’m enjoying myself and big things are coming, my future has never looked brighter.


You might want to work on your alcohol problem and pomiscuity; they are signs of underlying psychological issues.

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