The Student Room Group

Landlord cancelled contract to charge higher rent

I have given one months’ notice as required on the student rental room I have had for the last 18 months. However the agency has now said that the rental amount on the contract was too low, the contract is cancelled and I need to pay the shortfall. I did check with the agent last year, by email, before signing and they assured me the amount was correct. Someone at the uni accommodation advice place says it’s a genuine mistake and I should pay it. Where do I stand?
Original post by Poppyrosie
I have given one months’ notice as required on the student rental room I have had for the last 18 months. However the agency has now said that the rental amount on the contract was too low, the contract is cancelled and I need to pay the shortfall. I did check with the agent last year, by email, before signing and they assured me the amount was correct. Someone at the uni accommodation advice place says it’s a genuine mistake and I should pay it. Where do I stand?


It's best to contact your local Citizens' Advice Branch as they are qualified to give you legal advice. As far as I am aware though, if you haven't yet signed the contract, the landlord/agent can change the price since their offer hasn't been accepted yet.

(edited 1 year ago)
Sounds like someone made an error (probably the agency) but not your fault. Please contact the Citizens advice bureau as already recommended. Did you pay a deposit? If they try to keep this in lieu of money they say you owe this also should be challenged.
Reply 3
Original post by Durham Students

It's best to contact your local Citizens' Advice Branch as they are qualified to give you legal advice. As far as I am aware though, if you haven't yet signed the contract, the landlord/agent can change the price since their offer hasn't been accepted yet.


Thanks for your response, the contract was agreed and signed last year
Reply 4
Original post by Durham Students

It's best to contact your local Citizens' Advice Branch as they are qualified to give you legal advice. As far as I am aware though, if you haven't yet signed the contract, the landlord/agent can change the price since their offer hasn't been accepted yet.


The contract was agreed and signed last year
Original post by Poppyrosie
Thanks for your response, the contract was agreed and signed last year

I'm fairly certain then that your landlord can't unilaterally change/cancel the contract. But as I said earlier, contacting Citizens Advice would be the best course of action.

Original post by Poppyrosie
The contract was agreed and signed last year

Contact citizen's advice as they have people with experience with the legalities of contracts and can advise you on your rights as a tenant and whether they do have any legal grounds under which to cancel the contract and retroactively impose a new one.

I would be very surprised if your letting agent/landlord can do that, but I would strongly recommend speaking to them as suggested above so that you have actual support in terms of legal advice. They can advise you much better than a student forum can!

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