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Higher Politics - Exemplar Essays

Hi there!

I am currently doing Higher Politics as an online course with ModernityScotland - this is my last year of high school, and I need an A from it.

I don't have much of classroom experience as my teacher saves voice notes for the slides for us to go over, but we never actually have online lessons.

The essays in particular are something that I don't seem to be clicking with, as it appears to be a slightly different structure to Modern Studies (did that last year and got an A, online too but with lessons).

Does anyone have any exemplar essays from when they did it that I can have a look at?


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Original post by isaacb23
Hi there!

I am currently doing Higher Politics as an online course with ModernityScotland - this is my last year of high school, and I need an A from it.

I don't have much of classroom experience as my teacher saves voice notes for the slides for us to go over, but we never actually have online lessons.

The essays in particular are something that I don't seem to be clicking with, as it appears to be a slightly different structure to Modern Studies (did that last year and got an A, online too but with lessons).

Does anyone have any exemplar essays from when they did it that I can have a look at?


Hi I did politics last year and got an A from it. Heres two of the essays I did, if you need more or need any help feel free to message me.
(edited 2 years ago)
Reply 2
Thank you!
sry this is unrelated to ur question but did u do higher politics in s5 or s6?
Reply 4
Original post by ell1ejoness
sry this is unrelated to ur question but did u do higher politics in s5 or s6?

Hey, sorry for the slow response - I'm doing it in S6!
Reply 5
Original post by fionaapple
Hi I did politics last year and got an A from it. Heres two of the essays I did, if you need more or need any help feel free to message me.

Another massive thanks for this, was really helpful. Absolutely cruised through the course since and seem to have clicked with the essays so a massive thanks to you.
Hi there I am doing higher politics myself in S6 with no previous experience of social subjects rip so I am very confused overall and was wondering if anyone has good exemplar essays for section 2 cause that is definitely the most confusing area for me and any study tips? I find it hard to remember good examples mostly
Original post by francesdia
Hi there I am doing higher politics myself in S6 with no previous experience of social subjects rip so I am very confused overall and was wondering if anyone has good exemplar essays for section 2 cause that is definitely the most confusing area for me and any study tips? I find it hard to remember good examples mostly

Can you remind me of what section 2 is about, what essays are asked? I can possibly look about my google drive and see if I have any examples for you.
Reply 8
Original post by francesdia
Hi there I am doing higher politics myself in S6 with no previous experience of social subjects rip so I am very confused overall and was wondering if anyone has good exemplar essays for section 2 cause that is definitely the most confusing area for me and any study tips? I find it hard to remember good examples mostly

Can send you some for Executives and Constitutions if you like? I’ve cracked the course since I made this thread so hopefully you like them.
Reply 9
Original post by fionaapple
Can you remind me of what section 2 is about, what essays are asked? I can possibly look about my google drive and see if I have any examples for you.

It’s political systems - executives, legislative's, constitutions
Original post by isaacb23
It’s political systems - executives, legislative's, constitutions

Original post by isaacb23
Can send you some for Executives and Constitutions if you like? I’ve cracked the course since I made this thread so hopefully you like them.

That would be amazing if you could! :smile:
Hi, I am in s6 and doing Higher politics as a self study course online and I am really struggling with the politcical section part does anybody have any advice for the 20 markers it would be really appreciated.
Reply 12
@francesdia Check DMs, sent a few essays over.
Reply 13
Original post by annamiller05
Hi, I am in s6 and doing Higher politics as a self study course online and I am really struggling with the politcical section part does anybody have any advice for the 20 markers it would be really appreciated.

Who are you doing it with out of interest? and which section is it, absolutely willing to help
I am doing it online through dollar academy but I don't go there. It's mainly in the political systems section I can't work out the exectuive branch essays and I don't have much information or resources.
Original post by isaacb23
Who are you doing it with out of interest? and which section is it, absolutely willing to help
Original post by isaacb23
Hi there!

I am currently doing Higher Politics as an online course with ModernityScotland - this is my last year of high school, and I need an A from it.

I don't have much of classroom experience as my teacher saves voice notes for the slides for us to go over, but we never actually have online lessons.

The essays in particular are something that I don't seem to be clicking with, as it appears to be a slightly different structure to Modern Studies (did that last year and got an A, online too but with lessons).

Does anyone have any exemplar essays from when they did it that I can have a look at?


hello i can help you tackle the essays
Original post by isaacb23
@francesdia Check DMs, sent a few essays over.

thank youuu!!! lifesaver
Reply 17
Original post by isaacb23
@francesdia Check DMs, sent a few essays over.

can you send me essays from constitution and executive too? It was hard for me to understand this section
Reply 18
Original post by bloomz
can you send me essays from constitution and executive too? It was hard for me to understand this section

Yes, of course - sorry, I had intended to but forgot!
Reply 19
Original post by francesdia
thank youuu!!! lifesaver

Ignore the lengthy evaluations - I got away with doing a small overall comment at the end of each paragraph in the prelim (literally tiny) and still got full marks, so don't worry about those, was just paranoid writing it!

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