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EPQ exemplars

Hi everyone! I’m currently behind on the EPQ dissertation and I’m needing major inspiration for it. However, I can’t seem to find any good exemplars online unfortunately? If anyone is willing to share their former essays or have any links to examples, it would be amazing! Thanks! P.s my topic is: To what magnitude has materialism within consumerism impacted modern society?

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Original post by academicnatz
Hi everyone! I’m currently behind on the EPQ dissertation and I’m needing major inspiration for it. However, I can’t seem to find any good exemplars online unfortunately? If anyone is willing to share their former essays or have any links to examples, it would be amazing! Thanks! P.s my topic is: To what magnitude has materialism within consumerism impacted modern society?

Hi! I completed my EPQ in February this year and whilst writing my report I found this example incredibly helpful for structure:

Despite my EPQ being in a law topic, unlike the above example, it was still inspirational for format and content examples etc.
Hope this helps! (:
i can share mine with you, i got a C overall?

Hi, sorry for this the late reply but this would be great! For some reason I can't send PMs, but I'm working on that right now so if you don't get a reply you know why. Thank you SO SO much :smile:
Original post by top-lushness
Hi! I completed my EPQ in February this year and whilst writing my report I found this example incredibly helpful for structure:

Despite my EPQ being in a law topic, unlike the above example, it was still inspirational for format and content examples etc.
Hope this helps! (:

This is exactly what I am looking for! Thank you so much
Yes please :biggrin:

Original post by theblondemo
i can share mine with you, i got a C overall?
i hope this works!
Original post by theblondemo
i hope this works!

Sorry, I'm not op, but this is great for an example - just wondering what grade you got? So I have some sort of reference (if you're ok with sharing that is, no problem if not)
Original post by Chaeli-Jade
Sorry, I'm not op, but this is great for an example - just wondering what grade you got? So I have some sort of reference (if you're ok with sharing that is, no problem if not)

I'm happy to share, I got a C overall but I think it was mostly due my logbook not being as good as it could be. I was one mark off a B and they told me I couldn't appeal despite my epq assessor orginally giving me a higher grade (a B I think)
Original post by top-lushness
Hi! I completed my EPQ in February this year and whilst writing my report I found this example incredibly helpful for structure:

Despite my EPQ being in a law topic, unlike the above example, it was still inspirational for format and content examples etc.
Hope this helps! (:

Hi there, I am currently doing my EPQ on Effectivness of Jury by trial and I was wondering if by any chance you would have an exemplar, or Template of yours as I am currently struggling with the structure of my EPQ and unfortunately there are no Law EPQ Exemplars online.
Original post by top-lushness
Hi! I completed my EPQ in February this year and whilst writing my report I found this example incredibly helpful for structure:

Despite my EPQ being in a law topic, unlike the above example, it was still inspirational for format and content examples etc.
Hope this helps! (:

hi im looking to start my epq this summer on something law related and would love to see yours as an exemplar
Original post by theblondemo
i hope this works!

It does indeed work and thanks but I have one question: Why have you included sub-headings titled "section 1", "section 2" etc. ? At our school, we have been advised against doing that (using sub-headings for each of our paragraphs). Also, can you give me an idea about your word count.
Also, I think you got a C because your references haven't quite followed the full Harvard style. There are some bits missing from it and depending on the source, they require different things.
Original post by vnayak
It does indeed work and thanks but I have one question: Why have you included sub-headings titled "section 1", "section 2" etc. ? At our school, we have been advised against doing that (using sub-headings for each of our paragraphs). Also, can you give me an idea about your word count.

i was advised to use sub headings as it was closer to a scientific heading i think, but this was ages ago now
Original post by vnayak
Also, I think you got a C because your references haven't quite followed the full Harvard style. There are some bits missing from it and depending on the source, they require different things.

yes looking back on it now (having started my degree) i cringe at my referencing style. but also my log book was not very good
Original post by top-lushness
Hi! I completed my EPQ in February this year and whilst writing my report I found this example incredibly helpful for structure:

Despite my EPQ being in a law topic, unlike the above example, it was still inspirational for format and content examples etc.
Hope this helps! (:

I'm also planning to write an EPQ on law, what did you write about, and do you have any tips?
Original post by miamiamia2222
I'm also planning to write an EPQ on law, what did you write about, and do you have any tips?

Have you handed your EPQ in now? I handed mine in on the 26th of Jan.
Reply 18
sorry, you handed your EPQ for financial submission deadline or for the first draft? :smile:
Original post by attedeneb
sorry, you handed your EPQ for financial submission deadline or for the first draft? :smile:

I've handed my entire thing in. Our school set an internal deadline for the 26th of Jan. I had finished it well before this date but I handed it in on the 26th. I have no idea why I chose to do it though because I don't actually require it for any of my courses and I can't get reduced offers for them either (I applied for Computer Science at Cambridge (rejection), Imperial (offer), Edinburgh (offer), Manchester (offer) and Durham (still waiting) ). Also, it meant that my NEA and revision for mocks (in two weeks!) took a backseat so it's not put me in a great place either.

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