The Student Room Group

Home Office - Customer Services Group - Administrative Officer (AO) - Various Roles

Anyone applied to the Home Office - Customer Services Group - Administrative Officer (AO) - Various Roles role in Birmingham and have they heard back yet?
I interviewed on 9th Jan for the 500 posts campaign. It still says interview slot booked on the portal.
It can take several months for the whole process so don’t worry if you haven’t heard back yet.
I just got a job offer for this

Wondering if I should take it and what the role is like really?
Reply 4
Original post by Ruby Woo 83
I just got a job offer for this

Wondering if I should take it and what the role is like really?

Did u hear anything back
No, not yet. I have accepted the role and am in the process of security checks. How about you?
Anyone working in this role now and if so, how do you find it? What's the work like?
Original post by Ruby Woo 83
No, not yet. I have accepted the role and am in the process of security checks. How about you?

Hey have you started as as AO?
Reply 8
Anyone started this role yet?
Original post by rakibul4022

Hey have you started as as AO?

Hey, sorry, have only just seen your message now.

To answer your question, no I haven't, but I'm awaiting to start a similar EO role soon
Original post by ibrahimmahdi
Anyone applied to the Home Office - Customer Services Group - Administrative Officer (AO) - Various Roles role in Birmingham and have they heard back yet?

I just got a formal offer on 10th January 2024 at Croydon and really excited.
Ccongratulations. Please can you advise what questions were asked if you don’t mind and how long did the interview go on for?
Original post by wangare
I just got a formal offer on 10th January 2024 at Croydon and really excited.

Hey, how’s this going ? There are so many people on the reserve list how do you think they will be offering people roles as I’m still waiting to hear from them for a role in London too
Does anyone have any update ?
Original post by wangare
I just got a formal offer on 10th January 2024 at Croydon and really excited.

Hi. How are you finding the role? Can you please help with interview questions? Thanks

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