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OCR A-Level History Unit 3 (Y301-Y321) - 24th May 2023 [Exam Chat]


How did your OCR A-level History Unit 3 exam go today?

OCR A-Level History Unit 3 (Y301-Y321) - 24th May [Exam Chat]

Welcome to the exam discussion thread for this exam. Introduce yourself! Let others know what you're aiming for in your exams, what you are struggling with in your revision or anything else.

Wishing you all the best of luck. :yy:

General Information
Date/Time: 24th May (morning)
Length: 2hr 30mins

Exam chat thread for Unit 1:
Exam chat thread for Unit 2:
(edited 1 year ago)

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This exam is for anybody studying the thematic unit of the A Level History course. Thematic study and historical interpretations.
The topics included are:

Y301 The Early Anglo-Saxons c.400–800
Y302 The Viking Age c.790–1066
Y303 English Government and the Church 1066–1216
Y304 The Church and Medieval Heresy c.1100–1437
Y305 The Renaissance c.1400–c.1600
Y306 Rebellion and Disorder under the Tudors 1485–1603
Y307 Tudor Foreign Policy 1485–1603
Y308 The Catholic Reformation 1492–1610
Y309 The Ascendancy of the Ottoman Empire 1453–1606
Y310 The Development of the Nation State: France 1498–1610
Y311 The Origins and Growth of the British Empire 1558–1783
Y312 Popular Culture and the Witchcraze of the 16th and 17th Centuries
Y313 The Ascendancy of France 1610–1715
Y314 The Challenge of German Nationalism 1789–1919
Y315 The Changing Nature of Warfare 1792–1945
Y316 Britain and Ireland 1791–1921
Y317 China and its Rulers 1839–1989
Y318 Russia and its Rulers 1855–1964
Y319 Civil Rights in the USA 1865–1992
Y320 From Colonialism to Independence: The British Empire 1857–1965
Y321 The Middle East 1908–2011: Ottomans to Arab Spring
Hi, I am doing Y319, Civil Rights in the USA. It's the most difficult paper i swear!
Original post by Hasbo2005
Hi, I am doing Y319, Civil Rights in the USA. It's the most difficult paper i swear!

IT IS!!!! If anyone has any revsion resources pls can u send it such as essay plans, timelines, notes etc. thank you
Original post by Hasbo2005
Hi, I am doing Y319, Civil Rights in the USA. It's the most difficult paper i swear!

Original post by abdulmuturrehman
IT IS!!!! If anyone has any revsion resources pls can u send it such as essay plans, timelines, notes etc. thank you

I did Y319 in the first year of this specification. If you think it's difficult now try doing it with no past papers or exam materials. :tongue:

How can I help with your revision? :smile:
Original post by 04MR17
I did Y319 in the first year of this specification. If you think it's difficult now try doing it with no past papers or exam materials. :tongue:

How can I help with your revision? :smile:

Could u send any revision notes, essay plans etc. that would help w revision pls
Original post by abdulmuturrehman
Could u send any revision notes, essay plans etc. that would help w revision pls
The Student Room's sister website, Get Revising, is great for this sort of thing.

I have changed devices twice since I did my A Levels and am not 100% I still have any A Level stuff :frown:
britain and ireland anyone?
its so awful :frown: its actually made me not want to do history as a degree anymore LMAO

Original post by Hasbo2005
Hi, I am doing Y319, Civil Rights in the USA. It's the most difficult paper i swear!
Anyone got Empire 1857-1965 materials? Particularly the 2022 paper questions?
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by ghaeirhianv
Anyone got Empire 1857-1965 materials? Particularly the 2022 paper questions?

Are they not on the OCR website?
anyone doing middle east? really worried for the 30 mark interpretation! if anyone has revision resources for the depth studies, especially on british policy that would be extremely helpful!
Original post by Yara1717
anyone doing middle east? really worried for the 30 mark interpretation! if anyone has revision resources for the depth studies, especially on british policy that would be extremely helpful!

Me too omg!! ITS A DISASTER :frown: there's so so much content and I'm really struggling too :frown: :frown: the best tip my history teacher gave was to work through writing out timelines for each theme - so british policy would be strategic, economic, and ideological for example if that makes sense??? I'm panicking about all the history papers tbh, I've got Stuarts and Crusades and it's just so MUCH !!!
does anyone have any tips or anything for the middle east paper ?? i've revised so much but i'm struggling to retain info because there's so much!
it’s driving me insane, i still need to learn arab-israeli war and nasserism LOL

im not too fussed about the thematic questions but the interpretation will legit be the death of me as i feel like no matter how much i revise and how in-depth i go, it’s never enough </3
Original post by Yara1717
it’s driving me insane, i still need to learn arab-israeli war and nasserism LOL

im not too fussed about the thematic questions but the interpretation will legit be the death of me as i feel like no matter how much i revise and how in-depth i go, it’s never enough </3

its awful! theme 3 and 4 are a disaster, i'm really struggling to differenciate between each state atm
ironically im feeling more comfortable with the interpretation question :/ (not really saying much as the whole thing is a train wreck atm)! i feel like im spending all my time on just the middle east and literally nothing else cos its such a massive topic :frown:
Original post by Hasbo2005
Hi, I am doing Y319, Civil Rights in the USA. It's the most difficult paper i swear!

Omg FRRRRRRRRR, I hate it so so so much. I’m deffo gonna have to re sit next year. I haven’t done any revision yet ( not jk) I’ve tried but it doesn’t go in my head so I’ve been putting it off. You guys should thank me, lowering the grade boundaries for you
I’m the same! didnt start til 2-3 weeks ago.
Anyone here for Russia and its rulers? i need predictions or revision help. Im struggling
Reply 19
Original post by bday.xo
Anyone here for Russia and its rulers? i need predictions or revision help. Im struggling

I don't have specific predictions but I can try to help!
The first 3 or 4 interpretations topics for this spec were all Alexander II, all in a row. 2021 was Khrushchev, and I think it may have been in 2022 as well, but I don't have access to it
That means no Provisional Government interpretations yet, and not all topics have been covered for Khrushchev - make sure those are well prepped.

In terms of essays, I can say as much as you about specific questions, but generally the exam looks like this (order varies):

1. Nature of Government (Includes opposition)
2. Economy and Society
3. War + Revolution OR Empire, Nationalities and Satellite States.

Obviously this is just a rule of thumb, but the main point is that Nature and Economy tend to be constant, so make sure you can answer those, and W+R and E+N vary year by year

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