The Student Room Group

iria's 'grow your grades' blog :)

hello everyone! my name is iria, i'm taking psychology, biology, chemistry and spanish edexcel international a levels and i am currently predicted bs and cs

i wanna get aaba* so follow along to see my revision for my exams

my first exams are in january (they're the international a level so i have exams in january c: )

exam dates:
bio - jan 8th

chem - jan 10th
psych - jan 17th

past paper count as of jan 1st:
bio - 3
chem - 3
psych - 2
(edited 1 year ago)

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hello everyone and welcome back to this thread :smile:))

today's to do list:

as many sessions of bio revision as i can (my exam is in 7 days 😵*💫)

complete a powerpoint on cognitive psychology and present it to either my parents, my brother or my dog (depending on who's most willing to listen) (spoiler alert: it's prolly gonna end up being my dog)

complete a past paper on chem (exam is in 9 days 😵*💫)

any significant updates:

good luck with your revision everybodyyyyy!!!!!
Original post by sneaky-oppressor

hello everyone and welcome back to this thread :smile:))

today's to do list:

as many sessions of bio revision as i can (my exam is in 7 days 😵*💫)

complete a powerpoint on cognitive psychology and present it to either my parents, my brother or my dog (depending on who's most willing to listen) (spoiler alert: it's prolly gonna end up being my dog)

complete a past paper on chem (exam is in 9 days 😵*💫)

any significant updates:

good luck with your revision everybodyyyyy!!!!!

thank you, hope it's going well :smile:!
Original post by sneaky-oppressor
hello everyone! my name is iria, i'm taking psychology, biology, chemistry and spanish edexcel international a levels and i am currently predicted bs and cs

i wanna get aaba* so follow along to see my revision for my exams

my first exams are in january (they're the international a level so i have exams in january c: )

exam dates:
bio - jan 8th

chem - jan 10th
psych - jan 17th

past paper count as of jan 1st:
bio - 3
chem - 3
psych - 2

Hey, welcome to Grow Your Grades! And good luck with your upcoming exams, make sure to let us know how it goes!
hello everyone and welcome back to this madness

tasks i accomplished from yesterday's to do list:
as many sessions of bio revision as i can (my exam is in 7 days 😵*💫)
complete a powerpoint on cognitive psychology and present it to either my parents, my brother or my dog (depending on who's most willing to listen) (spoiler alert: it's prolly gonna end up being my dog)
complete a past paper on chem (exam is in 9 days 😵*💫)

today's to do list:
⚡️ study bio flashcards from the physics and maths website (bc i cant be bothered to make my own)
⚡️ complete a chem past paper
⚡️ study another set of bio flashcards

any notable updates on my life:

i will see you all tomorrow for the 4th of jan edition of this madness
good luck with your studies/gygs everyone!
Original post by sneaky-oppressor
hello everyone and welcome back to this madness

tasks i accomplished from yesterday's to do list:
as many sessions of bio revision as i can (my exam is in 7 days 😵*💫)
complete a powerpoint on cognitive psychology and present it to either my parents, my brother or my dog (depending on who's most willing to listen) (spoiler alert: it's prolly gonna end up being my dog)
complete a past paper on chem (exam is in 9 days 😵*💫)

today's to do list:
⚡️ study bio flashcards from the physics and maths website (bc i cant be bothered to make my own)
⚡️ complete a chem past paper
⚡️ study another set of bio flashcards

any notable updates on my life:

i will see you all tomorrow for the 4th of jan edition of this madness
good luck with your studies/gygs everyone!

Heya!! Welcome to the gyg community, can't wait to see what you get up to! Good luck with your exams!
hello everyone and welcome back to this madness

tasks i accomplished from yesterday's to do list:
⚡️ study bio flashcards from the physics and maths tutor website (bc i cant be bothered to make my own)
⚡️ complete a chem past paper
⚡️ study another set of bio flashcards

today's to do list:
⚡️ memorise the health flashcards from the physics and maths tutor website
⚡️ highlight all 476 flashcards (😅)

any notable updates on my life:
tomorrow is 3 kings eve (spanish thing i think, dunno) so i'm excited to take a break from studying to see the parades and such and receive gifts haha

i will see you all back here tomorrow for the 5th of jan update
good luck with your studies and happy growing your grades everyone! (hope you like the funny pic i put in)
ooo, que es 3 kings eve?! tambien, 476 flashcards?! eso es mucho - buena suerte!!
Original post by emm4nuella
ooo, que es 3 kings eve?! tambien, 476 flashcards?! eso es mucho - buena suerte!!

in spain
kids get presents on two days
25th - christmas day (navidad, the 24th is nochebuena)
and the 6th - día de reyes
the 5th is noche de reyes, which literally translates to 3 kings eve in english
so tomorrow i'm getting presents haha
today, there are cabalgatas de reyes
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by sneaky-oppressor
hello everyone! my name is iria, i'm taking psychology, biology, chemistry and spanish edexcel international a levels and i am currently predicted bs and cs

i wanna get aaba* so follow along to see my revision for my exams

my first exams are in january (they're the international a level so i have exams in january c: )

exam dates:
bio - jan 8th

chem - jan 10th
psych - jan 17th

past paper count as of jan 1st:
bio - 3
chem - 3
psych - 2

Which exams are you doing first? I'm ActiveEccentric. I also did IAL Edexcel in psychology too along with 2 other subjects. For me past papers aren't enough on their own - I also looked at the psychology videos etc. to develop a psychological intuition. Memorising answers isn't going to get too far.

What presents are you hoping for?
Original post by ActiveEccentric
Which exams are you doing first? I'm ActiveEccentric. I also did IAL Edexcel in psychology too along with 2 other subjects. For me past papers aren't enough on their own - I also looked at the psychology videos etc. to develop a psychological intuition. Memorising answers isn't going to get too far.

What presents are you hoping for?

none realyl haha
and i'm doing bio, then chem and then psych
and thank you for the tips!!!
hello everyone and welcome back to this madness

i forgot to update yesterday (oopsies)
but i went through my flashcards and only got like 60 something wrong (out of 476, so 13% (i should do maths a level /j)) sooo today we're trying to improve that
i havent gotten my presents yet (womp womp) but yeah, today's the day haha
i took a picture of the cabalgata yesterday
if i can figure out how to post it i will
it wont let me post it
but anyway
i'll update you all tomorrow
bye bye :smile:
(edited 1 year ago)
won't let me post my own picture
so here's one off the internet
Original post by sneaky-oppressor
hello everyone! my name is iria, i'm taking psychology, biology, chemistry and spanish edexcel international a levels and i am currently predicted bs and cs

i wanna get aaba* so follow along to see my revision for my exams

my first exams are in january (they're the international a level so i have exams in january c: )

exam dates:
bio - jan 8th

chem - jan 10th
psych - jan 17th

past paper count as of jan 1st:
bio - 3
chem - 3
psych - 2

Best of luck with your exams! If you need any advice on revision tips, feel free to reach out. It's great that you're consistently keeping a record of your progress on this forum to hold yourself accountable of your study habits.
Original post by Plantagenet Crown
Muy buena suerte con todo esto Iría! He visto en tu perfil que estás en Galicia pero tu perro tiene un nombre catalán, jaja qué gracia! En qué parte de Galicia te encuentras? Porque yo también soy gallego. Y cuál fue el regalo que más te gustó del día de reyes?

jajaja muchas gracias!!!
sii, mi perro tiene un nombre catalán porque viví en mallorca 3 años (yo nací en madrid pero viví en mallorca y galicia jaja)
yo vivo en pontevedra ciudad jaja!
y el regalo que más me gustó tiene que ser el jersey que me regalaron mis primos jaja
y a ti?
Original post by SOAS Student Rep
Best of luck with your exams! If you need any advice on revision tips, feel free to reach out. It's great that you're consistently keeping a record of your progress on this forum to hold yourself accountable of your study habits.

thank you!!
okay so hello everyone
haven't updated in two days
today i did my biology exam
now chem
first im making myself an equation sheet
then doin the excersises in the book
Original post by Plantagenet Crown
Hostias, has vivido por todas partes! Ay, todos dicen que Pontevedra es una maravilla y que ha ganado premios por sus zonas peatonales y plan urbano, pero nunca he estado y me encantaría ir :frown:. Ahora mismo no vivo en España pero tengo mis raíces en un pueblo pequeño que se llama Cariño. Ah, qué guay! A nada porque estuvimos en Costa Rica durante reyes y eso ya nos costó un pastón así que nada de regalos, más bien hora de ahorrar 😂

holaaaaa, me gusta la conversación de España aqui @sneaky-oppressor y @Plantagenet Crown !! estudio español por mi bachillerato y soy estudiante de Year 13! quizas, deberíamos crear un grupo de chat en TSR (añadir varios usarios en private message) donde hablamos sobre todo relacionado con España y su cultura :smile:! avísame :biggrin:
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by emm4nuella
holaaaaa, me gusta la conversación de España aqui @sneaky-oppressor y @Plantagenet Crown !! estudio español por mi bachillerato y soy estudiante de Year 13! quizas, deberíamos crear un grupo de chat en TSR (añadir varios usarios en private message) donde hablamos sobre todo relacionado con España y su cultura :smile:! avísame :biggrin:

valee jaja

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