The Student Room Group

Car Insurance Fraud? Who to contact and what to do?

Hi Everyone,
Some background information:
I am an international Student with an international drivers licence

2.5 months ago, i looked at convertible car and i liked it way too much to say no. I ended up buying it and i looked up car insurance for my address and it was wayyyy too much and i since my friend bought a car recently i ended up using his contact(broker) to also purchase insurance. As there was no good quote for my address i ended up having to provide a 2nd address which the broker said should be your friends. The insurance premium did decrease drastically.

Fast forward to 20 days ago.
My insurance company sent me a 10 day notice of cancelling the insurance as i was dishonest i don't what that means either as i haven't called them up to ask. i did not know this was fraud as i was told it was fine and i did not do my due diligence. i was just happy about the insurance price.

The broker told me that he would provide support but as usual there is none, he doesn't reply and just sends a message every 20-30 i send about calling back and never does and this was since a week ago without ever calling back.

what are my options now? should i go to the police? should i come clean to the insurance company? is there any way to fix this situation?

I don't want my insurance premiums to go up and i want to insure my car very quickly....
I would probably speak to citizens advice or action fraud.
Moved to Entertainment
Dunno why you would call the police over fraud you chose to commit, the info you gave is your responsibility and you knew it was false. A lot of these brokers like Sterling etc have a bad rep for this, essentially putting through any old details to close the deal between you and the actual insurer, then they just play dumb when you complain about the results.& cancelations.

I think the chances of your premiums not going up are, well, 0.
Original post by Chrisundecided
Hi Everyone,
Some background information:
I am an international Student with an international drivers licence

2.5 months ago, i looked at convertible car and i liked it way too much to say no. I ended up buying it and i looked up car insurance for my address and it was wayyyy too much and i since my friend bought a car recently i ended up using his contact(broker) to also purchase insurance. As there was no good quote for my address i ended up having to provide a 2nd address which the broker said should be your friends. The insurance premium did decrease drastically.

Fast forward to 20 days ago.
My insurance company sent me a 10 day notice of cancelling the insurance as i was dishonest i don't what that means either as i haven't called them up to ask. i did not know this was fraud as i was told it was fine and i did not do my due diligence. i was just happy about the insurance price.

The broker told me that he would provide support but as usual there is none, he doesn't reply and just sends a message every 20-30 i send about calling back and never does and this was since a week ago without ever calling back.

what are my options now? should i go to the police? should i come clean to the insurance company? is there any way to fix this situation?

I don't want my insurance premiums to go up and i want to insure my car very quickly....

If they have given notice that they are cancelling your insurance, then cancel the insurance before they do.
If your insurance company cancels your insurance, then you have to declare it when getting insurance in the future and it will cost you dearly. Some companies may refuse to give you a quote.
At least if you cancel it before they do, then you wont have had insurance cancelled by an insurer so you wont have to declare it.
Original post by Emma:-)
If they have given notice that they are cancelling your insurance, then cancel the insurance before they do..

The insurer already cancelled it 10 days ago.
Original post by StriderHort
The insurer already cancelled it 10 days ago.

My bad. I missed that bit.
Bit late for that then.
Original post by Chrisundecided
Hi Everyone,
Some background information:
I am an international Student with an international drivers licence
2.5 months ago, i looked at convertible car and i liked it way too much to say no. I ended up buying it and i looked up car insurance for my address and it was wayyyy too much and i since my friend bought a car recently i ended up using his contact(broker) to also purchase insurance. As there was no good quote for my address i ended up having to provide a 2nd address which the broker said should be your friends. The insurance premium did decrease drastically.
Fast forward to 20 days ago.
My insurance company sent me a 10 day notice of cancelling the insurance as i was dishonest i don't what that means either as i haven't called them up to ask. i did not know this was fraud as i was told it was fine and i did not do my due diligence. i was just happy about the insurance price.
The broker told me that he would provide support but as usual there is none, he doesn't reply and just sends a message every 20-30 i send about calling back and never does and this was since a week ago without ever calling back.
what are my options now? should i go to the police? should i come clean to the insurance company? is there any way to fix this situation?
I don't want my insurance premiums to go up and i want to insure my car very quickly....

Hello Mate, this exact same thing happended to my mate, hes insurance got cancelled and the broker isnt responding. No insurance wants to give him a quote apart from adrian flux but they are asking for 20k!!! Did you manage to get insured in the end? Would you be able to share some advise so i can maybe help my friend please.

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