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AQA GCSE History Paper 2 (8145/2) - 7th June 2023 [Exam Chat]

AQA GCSE History Paper 2 (8145/2) - 7th June 2023 [Exam Chat]

Welcome to the exam discussion thread for this exam. Introduce yourself! Let others know what you're aiming for in your exams, what you are struggling with in your revision or anything else.

Wishing you all the best of luck. :yy:

General Information
Date/Time: 7th June 2023 - Afternoon
Length: 2 hours

Exam board website -
(edited 1 year ago)

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This thread is for the following topics

8145/2A/A Paper 2 Section AA: Britain: Health and the people: c1000 to the present day
8145/2A/B Paper 2 Section AB: Britain: Power and the people: c1170 to the present day
8145/2A/C Paper 2 Section AC: Britain: Migration, empires and the people: c790 to the present day


8145/2B/A Paper 2 Section BA: Norman England, c1066-c1100
8145/2B/B Paper 2 Section BB: Medieval England: the reign of Edward I, 1272-1307
8145/2B/C Paper 2 Section BC: Elizabethan England, c1568-1603
8145/2B/D Paper 2 Section BD: Restoration England, 1660-1685
Original post by 04MR17
This thread is for the following topics

8145/2A/A Paper 2 Section AA: Britain: Health and the people: c1000 to the present day
8145/2A/B Paper 2 Section AB: Britain: Power and the people: c1170 to the present day
8145/2A/C Paper 2 Section AC: Britain: Migration, empires and the people: c790 to the present day


8145/2B/A Paper 2 Section BA: Norman England, c1066-c1100
8145/2B/B Paper 2 Section BB: Medieval England: the reign of Edward I, 1272-1307
8145/2B/C Paper 2 Section BC: Elizabethan England, c1568-1603
8145/2B/D Paper 2 Section BD: Restoration England, 1660-1685

For the Norman England section, are you aware of any sample essays on the Yorkshire historic environment?
Original post by pedagogy1
For the Norman England section, are you aware of any sample essays on the Yorkshire historic environment?
I can have a browse for you at the weekend. Can you press the quote button under this post and submit a message to remind me if I don't get back to you by end of tomorrow? I am a forgetful sausage.
Original post by 04MR17
I can have a browse for you at the weekend. Can you press the quote button under this post and submit a message to remind me if I don't get back to you by end of tomorrow? I am a forgetful sausage.

Thanks. I'll give you a reminder.
Also nothing on historic environment, but these should help with general revision for Norman England:

(you may need to make an account for teachit but it is free)
do you think it is possible to have subthreads for each topic, so that we can discuss the specific sections more easily?
Original post by probably_sane
do you think it is possible to have subthreads for each topic, so that we can discuss the specific sections more easily?

If you wish to create your own thread on the topic you're doing you're more than welcome to (click here). We have tried doing a different thread for every single topic but that ended up with a large number of threads where not a lot of people posted sadly :redface:
Reply 9
hii how's everyone doing, i hope everyone's revision is going well!

my topics are - Britain: Power and the people: c1170 to the present day and Elizabethan England, c1568-1603 and i'm hoping to get an 8 or a 9 because i want to take history a level!

if anyone is doing elizabeth how are you guys revising for sheffield manor lodge? (and just in general tbh any tips would be great because i really hate paper 2)
Original post by cvpidd
hii how's everyone doing, i hope everyone's revision is going well!

my topics are - Britain: Power and the people: c1170 to the present day and Elizabethan England, c1568-1603 and i'm hoping to get an 8 or a 9 because i want to take history a level!

if anyone is doing elizabeth how are you guys revising for sheffield manor lodge? (and just in general tbh any tips would be great because i really hate paper 2)

hii im also doing elizabeth

for sheffield manor lodge u could make a table/mindmap on the factors such as wealth, location, religion, comfort for mary qos etc. and just memorise a lot of key info such as mary qos spent 19 years in sheffield manor lodge and she was guarded by 8 armed men 24 hours a day etc
my teacher also said that practically every topic has come up in the past papers of elizabeth and they may reuse past paper questions but its hard to predict what will come up especially for history

my other topic is migration empires and the people
Original post by cvpidd
hii how's everyone doing, i hope everyone's revision is going well!

my topics are - Britain: Power and the people: c1170 to the present day and Elizabethan England, c1568-1603 and i'm hoping to get an 8 or a 9 because i want to take history a level!

if anyone is doing elizabeth how are you guys revising for sheffield manor lodge? (and just in general tbh any tips would be great because i really hate paper 2)

i'm also doing those topics, for sheffield manor lodge i'm using a booklet provided by aqa and trying to memorise the key facts from that, i also have the elizabethan kerboodle revision guide, where the information is organised to be easily understood
does anyone have any predictions for health and the people?
Hi I also wanted to know what people think that questions could be on Sheffield manor lodge.

Original post by probably_sane
i'm also doing those topics, for sheffield manor lodge i'm using a booklet provided by aqa and trying to memorise the key facts from that, i also have the elizabethan kerboodle revision guide, where the information is organised to be easily understood
What is your school predicting for power and the people?
Original post by cvpidd
hii how's everyone doing, i hope everyone's revision is going well!

my topics are - Britain: Power and the people: c1170 to the present day and Elizabethan England, c1568-1603 and i'm hoping to get an 8 or a 9 because i want to take history a level!

if anyone is doing elizabeth how are you guys revising for sheffield manor lodge? (and just in general tbh any tips would be great because i really hate paper 2)

What questions are your school predicting for power and the people?
Reply 16
Original post by tsr12354
does anyone have any predictions for health and the people?

q1. Modern Public Health, q2. Robert Koch + pasteur, q3. similarities between early modern and modern disease and infection, q4. Role of religion in disease and infection
what did everyone write for the power and the people 16 marker?
For the medicine paper, what were you supposed to write about the source question? No one I've asked knows how that picture links to the cholera epidemic.
Original post by 04MR17

AQA GCSE History Paper 2 (8145/2) - 7th June 2023 [Exam Chat]

Welcome to the exam discussion thread for this exam. Introduce yourself! Let others know what you're aiming for in your exams, what you are struggling with in your revision or anything else.

Wishing you all the best of luck. :yy:

General Information
Date/Time: 7th June 2023 - Afternoon
Length: 2 hours

Exam board website -

What were the questions on Britain Health and the People

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