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Access to HE learndirect

I'm looking at either doing an access to HE computer science course through learndirect & then uni or doing it through the open university.

Has anyone had experience with learndirect doing a computer science course and is it any good? Any information is helpful.
Hey! So I can't comment on the specifics of the Computer Science, but I've almost finished the Engineering course with Learndirect (which I've used to apply to Computer Science, holding two offers!) and I can provide some sort of perspective:

- It's a pretty intensive course, with a huge emphasis on independent study. If you're doing it alongside a full or part-time job it can be a bit difficult (and time consuming), but ultimately rewarding if you can do it! First few units will introduce you to the course, teach you study & essay writing skills, then you'll transition onto the main units. For Engineering I had a couple ungraded units, the rest were graded.

- Engineering was pretty Maths heavy, and I believe Computer Science has Maths elements also (calculus, trigonometry, etc.) although probably not as difficult. If you haven't done GCSE Maths in a long time, it maybe worth revisiting the fundamentals if you can. I personally retook GCSE Maths as I needed it for university, and found that it helped a LOT in moving onto the A-Level style topics.

- Course is spread out over a year, so you get roughly 20 days per unit. You can complete this as quickly as you'd like. Only thing you need to keep mind is the deadline of Dec 22th, for sending off your UCAS application to get it processed in time, and June 20th the following year, so you results can be certified in time for heading off to uni. If you decide to take the course I'd recommend starting as soon as you can! Units usually take about 2-3 days to be marked (although this can take a bit longer as uni deadlines get closer).

- Tutor support is there, albeit a bit limited. You can only submit draft versions up to Unit 9, afterwards you can only submit your final assignment once. I think because of the nature of the A2HE course they can't provide too much guidance. Admittedly I haven't utilised tutor support that much, but it's something to keep in mind.

- UCAS support is pretty great and support is really responsive you have any questions, no problems applying at all - I now hold two offers with Southampton (foundation year) and Cardiff :smile:

- Near the end of the course there is a portfolio unit (Unit 14). Make sure you write up and keep notes for every unit you study, as you'll need to go back through them and recap what you've done.

That's all I can think of atm, but happy to answer more Qs if you have any!! :smile:
Original post by haaarison
Hey! So I can't comment on the specifics of the Computer Science, but I've almost finished the Engineering course with Learndirect (which I've used to apply to Computer Science, holding two offers!) and I can provide some sort of perspective:

- It's a pretty intensive course, with a huge emphasis on independent study. If you're doing it alongside a full or part-time job it can be a bit difficult (and time consuming), but ultimately rewarding if you can do it! First few units will introduce you to the course, teach you study & essay writing skills, then you'll transition onto the main units. For Engineering I had a couple ungraded units, the rest were graded.

- Engineering was pretty Maths heavy, and I believe Computer Science has Maths elements also (calculus, trigonometry, etc.) although probably not as difficult. If you haven't done GCSE Maths in a long time, it maybe worth revisiting the fundamentals if you can. I personally retook GCSE Maths as I needed it for university, and found that it helped a LOT in moving onto the A-Level style topics.

- Course is spread out over a year, so you get roughly 20 days per unit. You can complete this as quickly as you'd like. Only thing you need to keep mind is the deadline of Dec 22th, for sending off your UCAS application to get it processed in time, and June 20th the following year, so you results can be certified in time for heading off to uni. If you decide to take the course I'd recommend starting as soon as you can! Units usually take about 2-3 days to be marked (although this can take a bit longer as uni deadlines get closer).

- Tutor support is there, albeit a bit limited. You can only submit draft versions up to Unit 9, afterwards you can only submit your final assignment once. I think because of the nature of the A2HE course they can't provide too much guidance. Admittedly I haven't utilised tutor support that much, but it's something to keep in mind.

- UCAS support is pretty great and support is really responsive you have any questions, no problems applying at all - I now hold two offers with Southampton (foundation year) and Cardiff :smile:

- Near the end of the course there is a portfolio unit (Unit 14). Make sure you write up and keep notes for every unit you study, as you'll need to go back through them and recap what you've done.

That's all I can think of atm, but happy to answer more Qs if you have any!! :smile:

Hi Harison,

May I ask is the course accepted by Russel group unis, and which unis have you applied for?

Also, after Unit 9 do they still allow you to submit and resubmit for a better grade. Are you able to discuss with the tutors what is expected for a distinction in the unit assignment?

Many thanks.
Original post by anonymousedf1
Hi Harison,

May I ask is the course accepted by Russel group unis, and which unis have you applied for?

Also, after Unit 9 do they still allow you to submit and resubmit for a better grade. Are you able to discuss with the tutors what is expected for a distinction in the unit assignment?

Many thanks.

Hey so I made it into Southampton (foundation year) and got an offer from Cardiff - both RG unis :smile: I also applied to Leeds, Bristol and Manchester (foundation year).

I'd ask them for clarification on resubmissions because I'm not 100% sure, but what from what I understand once a grade has been issued (pass/merit/distinction) that is final. The guide mentions you can resubmit once you have the grade required for uni -- but dunno how that works in practice tbh! I think you can contact your tutors for clarification on what's expected for a distinction tho :smile:
Thanks for replying.
Did Leeds, Bristol, Manchester accept the learndirect access course.
Original post by anonymousedf1
Thanks for replying.
Did Leeds, Bristol, Manchester accept the learndirect access course.

Yeah they all accepted it :smile:

Leeds accepted the access course but I wasn't successful in my case due to CompSci being really popular. Bristol required an online Maths test, which I did well in but wasn't a high enough mark for CompSci, they did offer me alternate degrees in Engineering tho! Manchester also had an online test, but was more Science/Maths based, in my case I just didn't do well enough for it haha!

Usually they'll list the Access course in their entry requirements, or you can just email their admissions team and they'll usually confirm/deny it :smile:

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