The Student Room Group

year 10 mocks


so i'm a bit worried about my mock results, we've literally just finished core exams and i've got the first results back, which were for maths paper 1 and paper 2 (calculator and non calculator). we've not got paper 3 back yet, which is another calculator paper.

i've done shockingly awful. like im meant to be a grade 9 student and these results are really, really bad. i barely scraped half marks on paper 2. i got 53/100 and 81/100.

i get that its not uncommon for people do bad in year 10 mocks, and they're meant to be a wake up call or whatever to get your act together and start properly revising, but its not even like i didnt try; i did loads of revision, but evidently not enough.

basically what im saying is; is it ok for me to do so badly this time? is it possible for me to get a 9 in my actual gcses?
It's 100% possible for you to get a 9 if you work for it. My friend is extremely smart and I remember during the yeat 10 mocks, she got a grade 2 in her English Language paper. Even I was shocked. She ended up with a grade 9 in the end. You're only in year 10, please don't stress yourself out over this. You can achieve that grade 9. You have under a year. That's plenty of time. Good luck :smile:
Reply 2
please dont stress at all! this was your first experience with exams, and just see it as practice!

if it makes you feel better i got a 7- in my maths exam in year 10 mocks, and then walked out with a 9 in gcse further maths, everything is possible, you dont even need to do work over summer, just make sure to focus when you start school in year 11!
Reply 3
Original post by Shambles20
It's 100% possible for you to get a 9 if you work for it. My friend is extremely smart and I remember during the yeat 10 mocks, she got a grade 2 in her English Language paper. Even I was shocked. She ended up with a grade 9 in the end. You're only in year 10, please don't stress yourself out over this. You can achieve that grade 9. You have under a year. That's plenty of time. Good luck :smile:

thank you so much for replying!!! this definitely makes me feel a lot better. i really appreciate your help and advice, this is so reassuring. :smile:
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 4
Original post by ang2211
please dont stress at all! this was your first experience with exams, and just see it as practice!

if it makes you feel better i got a 7- in my maths exam in year 10 mocks, and then walked out with a 9 in gcse further maths, everything is possible, you dont even need to do work over summer, just make sure to focus when you start school in year 11!

thank you!!! im so glad im not the only one. thank you so much for replying.:biggrin:

i'll definitely make sure to take your and Shambles20's advice and work really hard in year 11. this really helped.
Original post by Shambles20
It's 100% possible for you to get a 9 if you work for it. My friend is extremely smart and I remember during the yeat 10 mocks, she got a grade 2 in her English Language paper. Even I was shocked. She ended up with a grade 9 in the end. You're only in year 10, please don't stress yourself out over this. You can achieve that grade 9. You have under a year. That's plenty of time. Good luck :smile:
woah what did she do to get that 9? like which websites/vids etc

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