@Jaiya_11, no problem at all
We have an established partnership with Sheffield Medical School so that Foundation in Clinical Sciences and Medicine leading to BSc Clinical Sciences provides a formal opportunity for widening participation students to apply to enter the MBChB at Sheffield (subject to meeting academic, widening participation, UCAT and passing the Multiple Mini Interview criteria - please see
Sheffield Medical School's website for further details). This opportunity is only available to home students.
In addition to our relationship with Sheffield Medical School, our Foundation programme is also recognised by other medical schools. Students have applied successfully to Leeds, Hull, York, Brighton and Sussex, and Norwich medical schools. Please check individual medical school websites for more information relating to their entry requirements.
Formative assessments are embedded throughout the programme in order for you to gain feedback and monitor your own progress.
You can also contact the faculty admin for more information regarding the exams and the size of the cohort on
[email protected]I hope this helps! Thank you