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I crashed higher geography and im worried I wont pass

I'm now about 4-5 weeks into the course and I don't really understand the class. I took history, classics and modern studies last year and got ABC. I really want to get all A's in my last year and this is the only class I don't really understand. Can anyone recommend some helpful sites I can use or some structures that helped them to pass? Even some example answers would be great for me to learn from.
i don't know about higher geography, but i would google the name of the class and maybe set the file type to pdf to find resources for help :smile:
For the physical topics, if you name and describe erosion processes (e.g hydraulic action and abrasion for rivers, abrasion and plucking for glaciation - usually you can include both) - you will get 4 marks already. I struggled a bit with the physical topics, so having half the marks already for just 2/3 sentences helped a lot. For the rest of the marks, you just need to pretty much memorize the rest of the thing, I just kept on repeating the model answers for them until I could write most of the answer without looking. I can post some model answers later if you want.

For the human topics, usually you have to either describe a problem (e.g traffic managment in developing city), strategies used to combat the problem and the effectiveness of those strategies. You might get asked for problems + strategies, strategies + effectiveness or all 3 in one. What I found useful was writing the problems as bullet points, then underneath write the strategies and under those, the effectiveness of those strategies, so if you get asked a combination of them you can link them together easily.


- PROBLEM: Lack of public transport
- STRATEGIES: bus lanes, cycle lanes, trains/metro, cable car for favelas
- EFFECTIVENESS: positive environmental impact, less congestion, less air + noise pollution, travel times decrease etc.

Obviously you will need more detail than that and try to include some figures for all of these (iirc you can get up to 2 marks for just including data) and you might not even do that topic, but most of the human section can be broken down like this. Again I can post some model answers for those if you want.
Reply 3
Original post by Sophlizael
I'm now about 4-5 weeks into the course and I don't really understand the class. I took history, classics and modern studies last year and got ABC. I really want to get all A's in my last year and this is the only class I don't really understand. Can anyone recommend some helpful sites I can use or some structures that helped them to pass? Even some example answers would be great for me to learn from.

sorry for being quite late, just memorise the marking scheme and it's so much easier(lol l don't understand it either)

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