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Choosing subjects for s6

I’m s5 heading into s6 and I have decided to do higher maths and higher chemistry because I need them them for uni but my school requires picking 4 subjects I was thinking I might crash geography even though I don’t need it but heared it’s easy. The thing I need help is that I want to advanced higher biology as I’ve done higher already should i or would it be too difficult to manage along with maths and chemistry cause i need to do good in them for uni. Please suggest something
Original post by Userrrr314
I’m s5 heading into s6 and I have decided to do higher maths and higher chemistry because I need them them for uni but my school requires picking 4 subjects I was thinking I might crash geography even though I don’t need it but heared it’s easy. The thing I need help is that I want to advanced higher biology as I’ve done higher already should i or would it be too difficult to manage along with maths and chemistry cause i need to do good in them for uni. Please suggest something

Have you done nat5 maths and chem? AH bio is a lot of content but would be doable with maths and chem I think but adding in higher geography might be a bit much
Reply 2
Original post by Saffronnn•

Have you done nat5 maths and chem? AH bio is a lot of content but would be doable with maths and chem I think but adding in higher geography might be a bit much

I’m currently doing Nat 5 maths and i have previously did Nat 5 chem. that’s what i was thinking it might be too much should i just stick to all 4 highers then
Original post by Userrrr314

I’m currently doing Nat 5 maths and i have previously did Nat 5 chem. that’s what i was thinking it might be too much should i just stick to all 4 highers then

Did u do well in chem and maths? I think that makes a difference as higher is decently hard but definitely doable if you’re willing to put the work in. Doing 3highers with an advanced higher is a lot but I think 2 and bio would be okay although it depends on how much you want to do bio.
Do you know what you want to do at uni? What subjects do you need for that
Reply 4
Original post by Saffronnn•

Did u do well in chem and maths? I think that makes a difference as higher is decently hard but definitely doable if you’re willing to put the work in. Doing 3highers with an advanced higher is a lot but I think 2 and bio would be okay although it depends on how much you want to do bio.
Do you know what you want to do at uni? What subjects do you need for that

I did alright not the best tho. Exactly I’m scared that it all will be too much as I need higher chem and maths for uni so I might drop AH bio and pick higher geography and something else which will be easy
Original post by Userrrr314

I did alright not the best tho. Exactly I’m scared that it all will be too much as I need higher chem and maths for uni so I might drop AH bio and pick higher geography and something else which will be easy

Yeah good idea, def work around what you need, ah bio is a pain tbh unless u love it coz it’s even more memorisation than higher plus project are back in and there’s not a lot support for them at all.
BUT if you rly want to take bio maybe u can ask ur skl if u can just take 3 subjects?
What grades do you need in chem and maths ?
Also I found higher maths better than nat5 as a lot of things made more sense, so as long as you’re willing to put in the work don’t worry about it
Same with chem higher it was rly hard for me at the start but make some flash cards and learn the calcs and it suddenly becomes 100x easier
Reply 7
Original post by Saffronnn•
Also I found higher maths better than nat5 as a lot of things made more sense, so as long as you’re willing to put in the work don’t worry about it
Same with chem higher it was rly hard for me at the start but make some flash cards and learn the calcs and it suddenly becomes 100x easier


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