The Student Room Group

MPhil Engineering Sustainability, MPhil Energy Tech Cambridge University

Hi guys, anyone applying for MPhil in Engineering for Sustainability or MPhil in Energy Technologies at Cambridge University?
(edited 1 year ago)

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Original post by heattransfer
Hi guys, anyone applying for MPhil in Engineering for Sustainability or MPhil in Energy Technologies at Cambridge University?

Wondering what are my chances as I will be applying with a BEng in MechE from Nottingham, I've got one internship under my belt. Thoughts? Do I even have a chance??

Hey which one did you go for ?
Original post by Zan Mei
Hey which one did you go for ?

Original post by heattransfer

same, Have you heard back from any regarding interviews ?
Original post by Zan Mei
same, Have you heard back from any regarding interviews ?

nope, I'm not expecting to hear back until late January at least (hopefully some good news). Whats your background (bachelor degree, grades, internships) and when did you apply?
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by heattransfer
nope, I'm not expecting to hear back until late January at least (hopefully some good news). Whats your background (bachelor degree, grades, internships) and when did you apply?

Hi I submitted in late October ,was under departmental review pretty fast but still haven't heard anything. I have a Bachelors in Civil Engineering (International applicant). What about yourself ?
Hey! I was interviewed on decemeber 21st, but I'm still under review by the department. Has any of your application status changed?
Original post by Anonymous #1
Hey! I was interviewed on decemeber 21st, but I'm still under review by the department. Has any of your application status changed?

Hey, Did you apply for MPhil Energy Tech or Engineering for sustainable development ?
Original post by Zan Mei
Hey, Did you apply for MPhil Energy Tech or Engineering for sustainable development ?

MPhil Energy Tech, just before the funding deadline
Original post by Anonymous #1
MPhil Energy Tech, just before the funding deadline

How was your interview ? I'm sure you should hear back any day now
Original post by Zan Mei
How was your interview ? I'm sure you should hear back any day now

Fine I guess, but I was somewhat nervous.
It was divided in 3 parts:
1 - Some technical questions.
2 - Talk about some project you had participated in.
3 - Share your interests.
Original post by Zan Mei

How was your interview ? I'm sure you should hear back any day now

Have you been invited to an interview?
Original post by Anonymous #1
Have you been invited to an interview?

No not yet
Original post by Zan Mei
No not yet

Don't worry, I've read that some people go straight to PAO review without an interview.
Check my status today, got rejected after interview on 19th December 2023
Original post by heattransfer
Check my status today, got rejected after interview on 19th December 2023

Sorry to hear that. From which of the 2 MPhils was it?
Original post by heattransfer
Check my status today, got rejected after interview on 19th December 2023

Hi So sorry about that, was it for your Energy Technologies application ?
Original post by Zan Mei
Hi So sorry about that, was it for your Energy Technologies application ?

Original post by Zan Mei

No not yet

Any news?
hi all, came across this thread and was just wondering if anyone has heard any response for MPhil in Engineering for Sustainable Development?

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