The Student Room Group

Failed a resit for an accounting module need to know what to do next

I'm in my second year and I failed a resit for one of my modules. I did pretty well in all my other modules but I've always struggled with accounting. What will happen now? Will I be kicked out? What can I do to continue pursuing my degree? I really don't want to have one module be the reason for not being able to complete my degree.
It depends on what mark you obtained in your resit and what programme you are on. If its just one module and you got 30-39% you may be 'condoned' and able to progress to Part 3. If you are part of the Business School generally their progression policy is as follows:

(i) Obtain a weighted average of 40% over 120 credits taken in Part 2; and
(ii) Obtain marks of at least 40% in individual modules amounting to at least 80 credits taken in Part 2; and
(iii) Obtain marks of at least 30% in individual modules amounting to at least 120 credits.

I would encourage you to speak to your personal tutor if in doubt.
Original post by Anonymous
I'm in my second year and I failed a resit for one of my modules. I did pretty well in all my other modules but I've always struggled with accounting. What will happen now? Will I be kicked out? What can I do to continue pursuing my degree? I really don't want to have one module be the reason for not being able to complete my degree.

Hey Anonymous,

So so sorry about the tough situation you're in.
The best thing to do would be to contact your academic tutor as soon as possible to discuss the situation and what your options are. I know it is such an unsettling situation, but they will be able to advise you on what the next steps are.

Really hope this all gets sorted for you soon and we're wishing you the best of luck.

Skye :smile:
4th Year Speech and Language Therapy Student

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