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Cambridge Economics L100 2024 Entry

hey! I'm applying to Cambridge this year for economics at homerton. I do Maths, physics, further maths, and economics.
my stats:

a level predictions: A*A*A*A*
gcses: 9999999999
quite scared for the tmua aha as i'm struggling to get above 10/11 in past papers and apparently this year is gonna be even harder as it's the last year they're doing it :frown: just hope i get an interview and they forget about my score !!

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Bruv need to chill 👀

Showing off his grades, honestly if you get accepted in Oxford I wouldn’t be surprised. Good luck! Start your application early and you will be good to go provided your grades and capabilities.
Original post by Zephyr0221
Bruv need to chill 👀

Showing off his grades, honestly if you get accepted in Oxford I wouldn’t be surprised. Good luck! Start your application early and you will be good to go provided your grades and capabilities.

aww thank you! but i’m sure that even if i got 10 a stars i’d still be worried :smile:
btw i’m a girl :smile:
Original post by econ11234
aww thank you! but i’m sure that even if i got 10 a stars i’d still be worried :smile:
btw i’m a girl :smile:

It doesnt matter if your girl... your still bruv for me 😭👍🤝 and you will do well, dont worry too much focus on getting the grades! And prepare for exam
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by Zephyr0221
It doesnt matter if your girl... your still bruv for me 😭👍🤝 and you will do well, dont worry too much focus on getting the grades! And prepare for exam

haha thank you !
I’m applying to econ at Emmanuel college this year
A-levels: A*A*A*A* In Maths (Achieved 2023) F.Maths Chemistry and Economics
GCSE: 999999888776
The Tmua is difficult 🤣🤣 but hopefully I can get 6.0 for an interview
Original post by c_iwuagwu
I’m applying to econ at Emmanuel college this year
A-levels: A*A*A*A* In Maths (Achieved 2023) F.Maths Chemistry and Economics
GCSE: 999999888776
The Tmua is difficult 🤣🤣 but hopefully I can get 6.0 for an interview

omg your stats are amazinggg !
its sooo hard im really hoping i do okay
what made u choose emmanuel?
Original post by econ11234
omg your stats are amazinggg !
its sooo hard im really hoping i do okay
what made u choose emmanuel?

My school has a lot of ppl applying Oxbridge so we had to fill a google form with our top 5 preferences.
Emmanuel was my 4th choice🤣 I literally know nothing about it. Tbh idk much about any Cambridge college
Original post by c_iwuagwu
My school has a lot of ppl applying Oxbridge so we had to fill a google form with our top 5 preferences.
Emmanuel was my 4th choice🤣 I literally know nothing about it. Tbh idk much about any Cambridge college

ahhh fair enough i mean ours just had a massive excel sheet n i managed to get there first w homerton ahah
Original post by c_iwuagwu
I’m applying to econ at Emmanuel college this year
A-levels: A*A*A*A* In Maths (Achieved 2023) F.Maths Chemistry and Economics
GCSE: 999999888776
The Tmua is difficult 🤣🤣 but hopefully I can get 6.0 for an interview

Theres no chance and no way, give up now.
Original post by Anonymous
Theres no chance and no way, give up now.

Original post by c_iwuagwu
My school has a lot of ppl applying Oxbridge so we had to fill a google form with our top 5 preferences.
Emmanuel was my 4th choice🤣 I literally know nothing about it. Tbh idk much about any Cambridge college

Brampton manor..... I see u
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by DarkAvengerBack
Brampton manor..... I see u

haha 🤣
Original post by DarkAvengerBack
Trinity college
Predicted 3A*s in FM, Physics, Econ, Achieved A* in Maths

omg trinity is so nice ive heard! one of my friends is applying there for econ too.
how are you feeling for the tmua?
Original post by econ11234
omg trinity is so nice ive heard! one of my friends is applying there for econ too.
how are you feeling for the tmua?

Not good fr
Original post by DarkAvengerBack
Not good fr

same :frown:
theres barely anything to practice from either
Reply 16
Original post by econ11234
same :frown:
theres barely anything to practice from either

MAT section 1 is really good for TMUA practise if you've done all the papers
Original post by yzven
MAT section 1 is really good for TMUA practise if you've done all the papers

ahh yeah ive done a few papers but its so hard, so it just puts me off and gets me scared for the real thing :frown:
that tmua was awful
Original post by econ11234
that tmua was awful

yup i can kiss all my cambridge dreams away

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