The Student Room Group

A-Level Latin Study Group 2023-2024

Welcome to the A-level Latin Study Group!

This is where you can chat with other students studying the same subjects as you and support each other as you head towards your exams

You can post any useful tips and resources that you come across, offer support to others, share your successes, or just have moan when it gets tough!

Just remember, it’s against the site rules to ask for or offer any copyrighted papers, or to take conversations off-site to do these things. Posts that break these rules will be removed.

A few possible ice breaker questions are:
What exam board are you with?
What do you enjoy most about this subject/ course?
What area do you struggle with in this subject/ course?

Good luck with the next few months. Remember, ask for help, support where you can and together we can do this!

@Pwca and @Evil Homer
Hey guys! Just wanted to ask how everyone's finding it so far? Generally my trend is that I feel good about the literature, okay about the prose comp (depending on the questions), and the unseens are always a 50/50 so hopefully the translations aren't too unreasonable this year!
Original post by sixthformstress
Hey guys! Just wanted to ask how everyone's finding it so far? Generally my trend is that I feel good about the literature, okay about the prose comp (depending on the questions), and the unseens are always a 50/50 so hopefully the translations aren't too unreasonable this year!


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