I'm looking to meet a few guys, go on some dates. Nothing serious. Seems impossible though. I've only ever been asked out twice (in sixth form), that was nearly 3 years ago. I've not had anyone show the slightest interest in me since then. I thought uni would finally be my time to date a bit, get some experience before I'm ready for something more serious - but it's not happening. I think I'm better looking and have better style since sixth form, but I think I'm less confident.
Also, tbh this year I've not been on the social side of things much, but last year I was doing 3 sports and 2 societies, regularly going to socials, and even going to my course society. There was this guy on my course I really liked, and istg, he'd have convos with my friends, but whenever it was me and him, he'd be dead silent (tbf I wish I'd tried speaking to him more from my side but he was pretty quiet when it was just me and my friends weren't there).
Anyways he's not here this year (my friend said he's now transferred to a London uni).
This year, I'm not surprised about this since I've not resumed any social activities (there's alot going on in my life and I've not been able to fully immerse myself into uni life because of this). But last year is what confuses me since I didn't have a single guy come up to me in that whole year. Idk it was weird... I must give off a bad vibe or that I have a bad personality.