The Student Room Group

TfL graduate scheme

Hi guys
Anyone know what type of the question they ask for at assement centre .
I applied for supply chain
Please I’m worried .
Original post by Naheel21
Hi guys
Anyone know what type of the question they ask for at assement centre .
I applied for supply chain
Please I’m worried .

Hi ..what is the entire selection process ? how much time it took ?
can you explain in detail. ?
Reply 2
Original post by Naheel21
Hi guys
Anyone know what type of the question they ask for at assement centre .
I applied for supply chain
Please I’m worried .

Hi, I applied for same. What stage are you in? So that I can help u
I did my stage 2 assessment for procurement 1 week before, but haven't heard anything from them yet.
Reply 4
Original post by Abbasbala
I did my stage 2 assessment for procurement 1 week before, but haven't heard anything from them yet.

Same! I did my stage 2 assessment for procurement and havent heard yet. Bene nearly three weeks
Original post by yas380
Same! I did my stage 2 assessment for procurement and havent heard yet. Bene nearly three weeks

Maybe they haven't started reviewing applications for our program yet.
does tfl reimburse travel expenses for ACs?
Original post by anushkathakurr
does tfl reimburse travel expenses for ACs?

I believe emailing them asking about it would be the best thing to do.

Also, do you mind sharing insights with your experience doing the stage 2 assessment? I have already done mine, but it might help with my other applications.
Reply 8
Anyone from procurement heard back?🥱
What is the best way to prepare for the tfl ac?

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