The vast majority of the West have left behind traditional values, with everything from Free Speech being derided as Fascist, Capitalism and Democracy being called 'Tyrannical' and numerous existential crises occurring that people feel the government should be doing more about. The following is a quiz to see what government-type you are most comfortable with.
Before we start, I want you to think about the most important existential threat your country faces: Maybe it's climate change, racism, the far right, socialism, crime, immigration or declining birth rates. It doesn't matter what it is, but it is important that you recognize the critical problem with it and know that it's important to you.
Then, think of those people who refuse to believe that your problem is an issue. Firmly fix in your mind the person you want running your government, their ideals and their purpose and what they would need to fix your problem.
Once you've done that, answer the following questions:
1) Does your government require more powers to sidestep the retrograde, backwards thinking people who oppose your clear issue that very obviously represents an existential threat and should they courageously use their powers despite the opposition?
If the answer is 'Yes, they do require more powers', then you are neither an Anarchist nor a Classical Liberal. If it was 'No', then you fall in to one of those areas.
2) Now think of the person you hate more than anything having the powers you're proposing your perfect government have. Maybe it's Boris Johnson. Maybe it's Jeremy Corbyn. Do you want that person to lead your party, having the powers you propose the government needs to solve your problem?
If the answer is 'No', then you aren't a Socialist or a Communist. Both those governments require that the government centralizes power and that it is all right for both Trotsky, Stalin, Mao or the like to lead. If you do not believe that every government has the moral fortitude to have the powers you propose, then you do not believe in those.
If it was 'Yes', then you fall under those government types with faith in the government to be morally strong, intelligent, competent and driven enough to solve your problems.
3) Is your ideal leader a God or Prophet?
If the answer is 'Yes', then you're a Theocrat. You want Jesus to take the wheel? Theocrat. You want your Mohammed or Confucius running things? Theocrat.
If the answer is "No", and you haven't fallen under a previous government, and "Your Guy" is the only one morally, intellectually, and competent enough to use your powers to save the country or world, then you're a Fascist.
Fascism isn't necessarily antisemitic: Mussolini's girlfriend was Jewish and he had several very prominent members in his party, even post 1938.
Fascism isn't necessarily pro-war: Oswald Mosley was the head of the British Union of Fascists for years and he was not pro-war.
Fascism is the firm belief that 'Your Guy' is the only one strong enough to run things, that the State should be capable of overturning individual rights(Like saying that there should be no such thing as a Billionaire and forcibly redistributing their wealth, or that the government needs more centralized powers to fight hate-speech) for the good of the many.
If you believe that both Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn, if elected, should have the right to determine what speech should be allowed and what should not, then you are probably a socialist. If only 'Your guy' has the moral wherewithal to do that without corruption, then you're a fascist.