So I got put on a PGCE support plan a few days ago.
My placement school is pretty relaxed and chill and the department are really nice.
By this point it was expected that we should be teaching about 7 hours a week. I was still on teaching one lesson and parts of lesson.
My mentor said he didn't realise I was meant to be on 7 hours as my on track target and it was only flagged to him recently - after major meetings.
My Uni said I should have let them know i should be on 7 hours as it was made clear to students what the uni provider expect. I think the school are quite relaxed and not keen to just stress out their trainee students but the uni expect more. I wasn't sure as i was new and getting to grips with everything and we had mentor meetings every week and they hadn't said about bumping hours up yet. I thought maybe I could just do some extra hours in the summer if i hadn't hit the hours i hadn't thought about it properly until they raised it
so now im on a support plan to try and hit the target before xmas and also cos i hadnt met behaviour management tasks
im not really sure how i feel about teaching
my school placement hasnt been very intense.
I dont really super love or hate what ive experienced.
im not that good at behaviour management. i'm also only small and soft voiced i don't feel that confident with discipline.
ive had some good lessons but not like loved the experience.
sometimes when i have a bad lesson i half-heartedly think "maybe i should just quit"
do you think i should continue with the pgce or quit?
if i continue i might only get a few days xmas hols and then just fail...