The Student Room Group

Kingston Mpharm interview

I have my interview in 2 days and this is my first interview so I'm not sure what to prepare for. I have read some threads on the forum and they said there is a group interview. However, my invitation email said there will only be a 1-to-1 interview so I'm a bit confused. Also there will be an online test and I also don't really know what to expect. Does anyone have any advice on this? I would be very appreciate to get advices.

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Reply 1
Original post by student55512
on the website it says there are two 1-1 interviews and an online test, i also have mine on the 29th

Good luck on your interview today!
Original post by luongk
Good luck on your interview today!

how long after sending ur application did kingston get back to u to offer an interview?
Original post by student55512
on the website it says there are two 1-1 interviews and an online test, i also have mine on the 29th

how long after sending ur application did kingston get back to u to offer an interview?
Original post by Cupcake2004_
how long after sending ur application did kingston get back to u to offer an interview?

3 days later x
Original post by student55512
3 days later x

uh oh i submitted my application on 30th oct and still havent heard anything
Original post by Cupcake2004_
uh oh i submitted my application on 30th oct and still havent heard anything

i wouldn't stress tbh, i'm sure it'll come through soon. i didn't even get to do my interview bc of some issues and they've rescheduled to after Christmas
Original post by Cupcake2004_
uh oh i submitted my application on 30th oct and still havent heard anything

same, all my other universities sent me an acknowledgment email except Kingston.
Original post by student55512
i wouldn't stress tbh, i'm sure it'll come through soon. i didn't even get to do my interview bc of some issues and they've rescheduled to after Christmas

okay thankyou for letting me know
Reply 9
I applied on 16th october and did the interview on the end of november and got an offer last week.
Original post by kpzky
I applied on 16th october and did the interview on the end of november and got an offer last week.

Congratulations on the offer!!
did you receive an acknowledgment email after applying? and how did you find the interview?
Reply 11
I got my interview on 17th January so scared !!!
Original post by AJ_05_
I got my interview on 17th January so scared !!!

my interview is on the same day. Good luck!!
Reply 13
Original post by Randomuser_
my interview is on the same day. Good luck!!

omdss dyu have insta could we talk on there if you don’t mind
Original post by AJ_05_
omdss dyu have insta could we talk on there if you don’t mind

yeah sure, i private messaged u my insta
Original post by AJ_05_
I got my interview on 17th January so scared !!!

Hi i was wondering when did you apply?
Reply 16
Original post by Cupcake2004_
Hi i was wondering when did you apply?

december 11th
Reply 17
got an offer from kingston!!
Original post by AJ_05_
got an offer from kingston!!

congrats ! how long after you applied did you get an interview, and then how long after the interview did you hear back w an offer?
Reply 19
2/3 weeks after i applied i heard back for an interview, then less than a week after my interview I got an offer

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